倒数第二的铜 闭幕式快结束时突然通知刚才放的挑战赛榜单是错的,嘉心糖喜提二等奖3000元。闭幕式结束...
空了一会机子后,cy 上 C,我看 L,pb 看 F。C 有点细节 wa 了一发 然后 pb 秒了 F ,和我...
没想到第一次参加ICPC线下赛竟然是ec-final,也是花了大部分时间在算法竞赛上的第一年,勉勉强强把大部分知识点学完了。 这次看到了dls、jls还有各大牛人,不负此行 本次比赛的登录密码竟然是gzyctfxxm(关注永雏塔菲谢谢喵)和gzjrr,ddjcc(关注嘉然然,顿顿解馋馋),第一时间没有看出来,果然我资历还是太浅了。
对不少人来说,这次 EC Final 可能是算法竞赛生涯的最后一战了。此去一别,不知何时江湖再相见了,一想到这件事,内心不免感伤起来。 各位后会有期咯。 Day 3 睡了个好觉。 白天和 sleep__ 队三人一块吃了几天前没吃上的汤包,吃完之后就奔上海站去了。 (蟹粉面看起来是真的过瘾,不过贵也是真的。可惜我...
day -3 问了akee 队,他们说周四出发。但我周四有课,最后决定跟 ix 一起在周五早上出发。下午训 JOISC,很烦。 day -2 拉着gyh zxy rsy 验了下题。由于我告诉过他们 K 题做法,他们成功把 K 过了。可惜 AB 两个题最后都摆了。下午又训 JOISC,很烦。
The 11th Stage of the 1st Universal Cup is coming. It will be held from April 8th to 9th. It is also a replay of the 2022 ICPC East Continent Final Contest, which was held on March 24, 2023 — March 26, 2023. As usual, we have three time windows for participating. You can ...
Hello Codeforces! The 11th Stage of the 1st Universal Cup is coming. It will be held from April 8th to 9th. It is also a replay for the 2022 ICPC East Continent Final Contest, which was held on March 24, 2023 — March 26, 2023. ...
DOHA, April 1 (Xinhua) -- The Final Draw for the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar was held here on Friday. Following are the results with seeds in the first spot in each group: Group A: Qatar, Ecuador, Senegal, Netherlands; Group B: England, Iran, the United States, European Playoff winner...
Hayakawa Kio of Japan competes during the BMX Flatland Final at X Games Chiba 2022 in Chiba, Japan, April 22, 2022. (Xinhua/Zhang Xiaoyu) Gold medalist Hayakawa Kio of Japan poses for photos during the awarding ceremony of the BMX Flatland Final at X Games Chiba 2022 in Chiba, Japan, Ap...