50% off variable Final Value Fees Similar to the 80% off promotion, the 50% discount only applies to the variable final value fee and not other fixed order level fees such as the 30p transaction fee, international fee, etc. For the full terms and conditions, refer tothe 50% off FVF ...
解析 如果你的东西卖出去了,就会从最后的成交价里面按比例扣除一定的费用,这个费用叫做 Final Value Fee终值费---直译!当前帐户余额. 分析总结。 如果你的东西卖出去了就会从最后的成交价里面按比例扣除一定的费用这个费用叫做finalvaluefee终值费直译结果一 题目 ebay 提示 ,看看是什么费用?If your item sells, yo...
I have been made aware of other members being offered reduced final selling fees of 80% off on a fortnightly basis ... I am a regular seller with over 20 years experience and in the last 5 years I haven`t seen or received one promotional offer of 80% off. I tonight asked the AGENT...
I maintain profits by working fee increases -- of all kinds -- into my asking prices; my buyers have always paid my selling fees. eBay seller since 1999. This is a posting ID. Message 3 of 27 latest reply 1 Helpful Reply eBay’s final value fee fbusoni Thrill-Seeker (0 ...
我们收取的出售费用主要有两种:在您创建物品刊登时收取刊登费,以及在售出物品时收取成交费。 我们收取的金额取决于物品价格、您为物品刊登选择的刊登形式和类别、您添加的任何可选刊登升级以及您的卖家行为和表现。 您是否有 eBay 店铺或想要出售车辆?不同店铺订户和出售车辆的费用不同。
在eBay上的绝大部分的交易都简单快捷,但是偶尔也会遇到有些交易出现一些小问题,那时,你有可能可以获得一些成交费用的返还。图片来源:123rf.com.cn 在eBay上的绝大部分的交易都简单快捷,但是偶尔也会遇到有些交易出现一些小问题,那时,你有可能可以获得一些成交费用的返还。 如何获得eBay final value fee的返还?
如果您的订单存在问题且您已解决,您可能有资格获得部分或全部的已支付费用退还。 如果买家收到退款,您也将有资格获得费用退还。对于符合条件的部分退款,费用退还金额会与买家收到的退款金额成正比(请参阅下方示例)。 还有一些买家已收到退款,但您不符合费用退还资格的情况。有关更多信息,请参阅以下章节。
Using inaccurate product descriptions: If eBay finds that too many of your returned items are due to “item not as described,” you’ll get charged an extra 5% on your normal final value fees for sales in those categories during the following month. Optional eBay fees eBay Store subscription...
Store subscription fees Insertion fees Final value fees Promotional fees Free listings 4 How to dropship on eBay 1. Create an eBay seller account 2. Find profitable items 3. Choose your dropshipping suppliers 4. Create your eBay listing 5. Price your product 6. Market your listing 7. Provid...