If you're looking for an add-in to format your pasted text in Microsoft Word as code; with multiple coding themes support and some more cool features, you are in the right place. Perfect for homeworks, documentation or specs, Easy Code Formatter would provide you multiple coding themes, li...
Since the original release ofEasy Code Formatter, I've received a lot of requests around extending the support for the styles and this is an attempt to do that. When you send a PR, the pipeline will automatically bump the package.json version if it's not bumped. ...
word中的插件“Easy Code Formatter”可以对word中的代码进行排班、高亮显示等等。 安装之前需要管道word、Excel等,在浏览器中搜索Easy Code Formatter,获取并下载之后,再打开word便有了Easy Code Formatter插件。 使用方法:在word中选中代码段,然后再在Easy Code Formatter中点击“Format as code”,代码段便会被自动排...
If you're looking for an add-in to format your pasted text in Microsoft Word as code; with multiple coding themes support and some more cool features, you are in the right place. Perfect for homeworks, documentation or specs, Easy Code Formatter would provide you multiple coding themes, li...
easy-code-formatter-styles Since the original release ofEasy Code Formatter, I've received a lot of requests around extending the support for the styles and this is an attempt to do that. When you send a PR, the pipeline will automatically bump the package.json version if it's not bumped...
// 创建待格式化数据 val any:Any = create() // 使用formatter实例进行格式化 val result:String = EasyFormatter.DEFAULT.format(any) EasyLog 点我查看完整使用文档 点击下载组件源码文件进行使用 用于简单的进行日志打印输出,支持格式化输出、自定义打印格式。
EasyMock-formatter.xml Drop Java 5 (close #192) 7年前 README.md Update tool versions 3个月前 ReleaseNotes.md Move to version 5.5.0 3个月前 SECURITY.md Create SECURITY.md 1年前 deploy-easymock.sh We should commit in all modules as well ...
// 创建待格式化数据 val any:Any = create() // 使用formatter实例进行格式化 val result:String = EasyFormatter.DEFAULT.format(any) EasyLog点我查看完整使用文档 点击下载组件源码文件进行使用 用于简单的进行日志打印输出,支持格式化输出、自定义打印格式。不阻塞:打印任务运行于独立线程中,避免大量打印数据时...
$("#comb").combobox({ url:"<%=request.getContextPath()%>/codeList.do", valueField:"codeId", textField:"codeName", panelHeight:'auto', count:0, formatter: fun... ui javascript ViewUI List 原创 mb646713a07a071 2023-05-19 14:23:58 ...
$("#comb").combobox({ url:"<%=request.getContextPath()%>/codeList.do", valueField:"codeId", textField:"codeName", panelHeight:'auto', count:0, formatter: fun... ui javascript ViewUI List 原创 mb646713a07a071 2023-05-19 14:23:58 ...