monitor the Easy Anti-Cheat service status in the Services panel in Windows Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL). If the Easy Anti-Cheat service is manually stopped prior to the game exiting, it may be so that parts of Easy Anti
Please read the following terms of use carefully. By using the EasyAntiCheat software (“Software”) you accept all the terms of this End User License Agreement (“Agreement”). Software is an anti-cheat software, used and integrated in various games (“Game(s)”). The Software has a cli...
1. ПроверьтеподключениексерверамEasy Anti-Cheat Убедитесь, чтовыможетеполучитьдоступкнашейсетираспространенияконтента, перейдяпоэтимссылкам. ...
First run Uninstall_EasyAntiCheat then after the permission prompt wait a few seconds and run Install_EasyAntiCheat. You may need to restart your computer BEFORE running Uninstall, and again before running Install. If this still doesn't work you can try running Factory Reset, then Install. Kee...
游玩Fortnite需要有Easy Anti-Cheat。如果安装时跳过了该步骤,则需先在EAC中进行安装。请注意:为避免注册表或用户权限问题,可能需要将Fortnite重新安装在与Windows操作系统相同的磁盘上。 按照以下步骤安装EAC: 1. 确保 EAC 启动
EasyAntiCheat(EAC)是一款专门为多人在线游戏设计的反作弊软件。它由EPIC Games开发,基于自家的虚幻4引擎制作,旨在为游戏玩家提供一个公平、公正的游戏环境。EAC实时监测游戏环境的安全性,确保玩家能够享受无干扰的游戏体验。该软件界面直观,操作简便,易于上手,使得玩家可以快速投入游戏,畅享游戏乐趣。...
由Kamu开发的EasyAnti-Cheat是一种反CheatI 具旨在阻止(和抓住)在线多人游戏中的Cheat者。 可以把它想象成PunkBuster的更现代的替代品,PunkBuster是2001年推出的反Cheat应用程序。 EasyAnti-Cheat可以在Windows和macOS上运行。 当你在玩一款使用EasyAntiCheat的在线游戏时,它会在后台运行。 根据其营销材料EasyAntiChe...
4、你应该看到 EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe 这个文件,双击它,点击Repair Service OK,你可以愉快玩耍了,我就是这么修复这个问题的3楼2020-12-11 17:16 收起回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...