期刊名: EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS期刊名缩写:EARTH-SCI REV期刊ISSN:0012-8252E-ISSN:1872-68282024年影响因子/JCR分区:10.8/Q1学科与分区:GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY - SCIE(Q1)出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS出版周期:Monthly出版年份:0年文章数:308是否OA开放访问:No...
Using approaches such as the ensemble Kalman filter as an example, this paper introduces the principles of paleoclimate data assimilation and reviews recent advancements in reconstructing paleoclimate states using these techniques. Paleoclimate data assimilation offers new insights and advanced techniques for ...
This international journal is devoted to high-quality original articles, reviews and papers with full data attached in the research fields of space and planetary sciences, atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences, human geosciences, solid earth sciences, and biogeosciences. PEPS promotes excellent review ...
期刊名缩写:EARTH PLANET SC LETT 22年影响因子:5.785 issn:0012-821X eIssn:1385-013X 类别:工程技术地学地学天文 学科与分区:地球化学与地球物理学(GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS) - SCIE(Q1) 出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS 出版周期:Semimonthly 出版年份:1966 ...
Manuscripts may present new measurement equipment, techniques for analyzing observations or samples, methods for understanding and interpreting information, analyses of metadata to examine the effectiveness of approaches, invited and contributed reviews and syntheses, and techniques for communicating and ...
《EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS》 期刊名缩写:EARTH-SCI REV 22年影响因子:12.038 issn:0012-8252 eIssn:1872-6828 类别:生物环境科学与生态学工程技术地学地学天文社会科学 学科与分区:地球科学,多学科(GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) - SCIE(Q1) 出版国家或地区:NETHERLANDS ...