The Women's Enfranchisement Association of the Union of South Africa (WEAU) was founded in 1911, only a year after the declaration of the Union of South Africa. While scholars of the South African women's suffrage movement have paid particular attention to the race politics of the WEAU and...
民初女子参政运动的背景分析An46AnalysisoftheBackgroundWomenacutesSuffrageMovementin 2012年9月第31卷第9期绵阳师范学院学报JournalofMianyangNormalUnivemi~Sep.2012V01.31No.9民初女子参政运动的背景分析胡静(安徽大学历史系,安徽合肥230039)摘要:20世纪初期,随着资本主义经济的不断发展,西方女权思想意识的不断传入,...
were brought in to advise the government. Figures such as these indicate the permeability of the Victorian state and its closeness tocivil society, for they established their reputations and gained their expertise outside theattenuatedstructure of the state bureaucracy. From the 1850s onward, however...
suffrage. Initially Douglass supported a constitutionalamendmentsupportingsuffragefor all men and women. Having attended the1848 women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, he was a longtime supporter of women’s rights, joiningElizabeth Cady StantonandSusan B. Anthonyin this stance....