Barry C BurdenDavid T CanonKenneth R MayerDonald Moynihan
After 2 years away in the first time in decades, the Evolution Championship Series is returning to its offline roots in 2022, and there's now an early glimpse as to which fighting games players are chomping at the bit to compete in the most. ...
The Institutional Review Board of the authors’ affiliated college endorsed this procedure (registration number 290961). The ethical standards set forth by the Italian Society of Psychology were meticulously adhered to. Eventually, the recruited sample consisted of 1140 students, with a mean age of ...
Trial registration {2a and 2b} NCT06334627. Retrospectively registered on 29 February 2024. Protocol version {3} Version 3 and, dated 20.02.2023 Funding {4} The EN-REACH study is funded by the UK Medical...
Only a little is known about the tooth brushing behaviors and oral health care of people with early childhood autism (P-EA). To remedy this, a survey was carried out with P-EA of all ages.#In summer 2021, an online survey questionnaire with 124 questions, addressed only at caregivers of...
Data Summit also includes special events such as the co-located AI & Machine Learning Summit as well as special day-long programs: DataOps Boot Camp on Tuesday and Database & DevOps Boot Camp on Wednesday. Access to the co-located events is included with a Data S...
42 The 4 patterns of Dunn’s Model of Sensory Processing are: (1) low registration (high threshold and passive self-regulation; eg, a child who fails to notice obvious stimuli in the environment and may be slow to respond), (2) sensation seeking (high threshold and active self-regulation...
Trial registration The trial has been registered in the ( Identifier: NCT05489133) Aug 3, 2022. Protocol version Protocol version 2.0 is currently active. Funding The EIR-study has received funding from the Research Council of Norway (project #320637), the Depa...
Due to brain growth, cell registration across days was technically challenging in pups compared to adults; however, the spatial correlation was not affected by the registration quality of cell pairs (Supplementary Fig. 5i, j). We also tracked the same cells over several days and observed similar...
The complete data extraction form can be found at the OSF pre-registration site (Ritoša et al., 2021). Five reviewers extracted the data and instructions were included in the category titles to inform reviewers whether they should answer with “yes” or “no,” or by transcribing text ...