1.重新安装Visual Studio C++组件:有时候,安装或配置Visual Studio C++组件时遇到的问题可能导致EA App错误代码inst-14-1612。可以重新安装Visual Studio C++组件,并确保选中与C++相关的组件。 2.清理临时文件:临时文件可能会导致各种问题,包括错误代码inst-14-1612。可以删除一些常见的临时文件夹中的内容,如C:Users你...
(Can't install EA app (INST-14-1612) - Answer HQ) 支持如下: Product: The EA appPlatform:PCError Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post)error code: INST-14-1612Which client functionality are you experiencing this bug with?Other (Please Describe)Please descr...
关于EA的错误 INST-14-1612,这通常与安装或配置Visual Studio C++组件时遇到的问题相关。根据您提供的信息,您已经尝试过修复Visual Studio C++,但问题仍然存在。以下是一些建议和可能的解决方案,您可以尝试以下步骤:1. 确保安装了正确的Visual Studio版本:确保您安装了支持C++的Visual Studio版本。在安装过程中,请确保...
My Response: As I have said before, I have done this multiple times over the past few months and it doesn't help. Your point 3: You can also install another random game that would install all of those anyway to get the most updated versions of them. I've attached a pic of ...
Solved: Product : The EA app Platform : PC Error Report ID (learn how to create an Error Report ID in the sticky post) error code: INST-14-1612 Which
各位玩家们好,EA App即将取代origin作为EA的主要PC平台,目前已经可以正式下载了,但是很多玩家在安装的时候遇到了无法安装完成的问题,这里整理了几个解决办法。 1、先卸载origin 同时安装EA和Origin可能会导致Origin报错,在安装EA App时候会提醒你卸载origin,卸载就可以了,但是有玩家不会提示你卸载,手动先卸载一下origin...
当我尝试安装 EA 应用程序时,我收到一个错误代码,指出 EP 应用程序无法完成安装和错误代码:INST-14-1612。该错误多久发生一次? 每次(100%)步骤:我们如何自己找到错误? 您要安装 EA 应用程序。当错误发生时会发生什么? 弹出错误并关闭 EA 应用安装程序。你期待看到什么? 我想安装 EA 应用程序并玩我的游戏。请...
We can only speak to the EA App. The 1612/1603 errors are a Microsoft install error, not an EA App error which means that something in Windows, not the EA App is preventing the actual installation path and execution of the EA App Software. Past just reinstalling VC++, the better step ...
We can only speak to the EA App. The 1612/1603 errors are a Microsoft install error, not an EA App error which means that something in Windows, not the EA App is preventing the actual installation path and execution of the EA App Software. Past just reinstalling VC++, the better s...
Your Point 1: The 1612/1603 errors are a Microsoft install error, not an EA App error which means that something in Windows, not the EA App is preventing the actual installation path and execution of the EA App Software. My Response: I'm expected to believe that, of the dozens a...