in megapascal; E is Young’s modulus of the sheet metal 选择语言:从中文简体中文翻译英语日语韩语俄语德语法语阿拉伯文西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语荷兰语瑞典语希腊语捷克语丹麦语匈牙利语希伯来语波斯语挪威语乌尔都语罗马尼亚语土耳其语波兰语到中文简体中文翻译英语日语韩语俄语德语法语阿拉伯文西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语...
isotropic在物理中的意思Young's modulus (E) is measure of the stiffness of an isotropic elastic material 答案 各向同性啦 比如一块树脂,你横着用力拉,竖着斜着用力拉,不管沿着什么方向什么角度,在弹性范围内,它的constraint(单位面积上的力)和形变率的比都是一个常量,就是E杨氏模量.如果在这个树脂里面,我们...
杨氏模数(Young's modulus )是材料力学中的名词,弹性材料承受正向应力时会产生正向应变,定义为正向应力与正向应变的比值。公式记为E = σ / ε其中,E 表示杨氏模数,σ 表示正向应力,ε 表示正向应变。杨氏模量大,说明在压缩或拉伸材料时,材料的形变小。 结果...
Young's modulus: 86[MPa] --> Tensile Modulus 0.0860 GPa is that correct? Because the simulated values do not match with the real measurements ;( Thank you for your help, Thomas Attachments: Modalanalyse_Einspannung_sawbone_TB_100.mph ...
Youngs Modulus from Uniaxial Tension When a specimen made from an isotropic material is subjected to uniaxial tension, say in the x direction, sxx is the only non-zero stress. The strains in the specimen are obtained by, The modulus of elasticity in tension, also known as Young's modulus...
In the presented paper the Young's modulus for samples with periodically distributed spheroidal pores is calculated. The dependence of Young's modulus on the total porosity, size, orientation, and shape anisotropy of pores is investigated. It is shown that presence of pores flattened in the loadin...
The objective of this study was to measure the elastic modulus (Young's modulus) of canine vocal fold cover layers. Basic science study. Cover layers from vocal folds of eight canine larynges were dissected. Cover layer samples from the mid-membranous, medial vocal fold surface area were used...
杨氏模量(Young's modulus)是描述固体材料抵抗形变能力的物理量。杨氏模量又称拉伸模量(tensile modulus)是弹性模量(elastic modulus or modulus of elasticity)中最常见的一种。当一条长度为L、截面积为S的金属丝在力F作用下伸长ΔL时,F/S叫应力,其物理意义是金属丝单位截面积所受到的力;ΔL/L叫应变,...