甲营养不良(nail dystrophy)是一种多因素引起的甲损害。因常累及所有指、趾甲,又称20甲营养不良。 诊断要点: 1. 指、趾甲变薄,浑浊,变形,易碎。 2. 甲表面失去光泽,粗糙。常有纵嵴及甲剥离。 3. 真菌镜检阴性。 治疗要点: 无有效治疗方法。部分患者病情随年龄增长逐渐缓解。
必应词典为您提供nail-dystrophy的释义,网络释义: 指甲失养症;甲营养不良;蛋白缺乏引起的贫血;
Define twenty-nail dystrophy. twenty-nail dystrophy synonyms, twenty-nail dystrophy pronunciation, twenty-nail dystrophy translation, English dictionary definition of twenty-nail dystrophy. or n vet science inflammation of the nails or claws of animals C
Nail dystrophy Nail dystrophy(distortion and discoloration of normal nail plate structure) may result from any traumatic or inflammatory process that involves the nail matrix, nail bed, or surrounding tissues. Althoughonychomycosis, the result ofdermatophytefungal infection, is the most common cause of...
nail dystrophy 甲营养不良;甲养分不良;蛋白缺乏引起的贫血;指甲失养症 macular dystrophy 营养不良;黄斑营养不良 hepatic dystrophy 肝营养不良;肝性营养不良症 vulvar dystrophy 女阴营养不良;外阴营养不良改变 trichopolio dystrophy 即毛发灰质营养不良 dystrophy更多词组 专业释义 医药科学 营养不良 营养障碍 发育不良,退...
Twenty-nail dystrophy is an idiopathic nail dystrophy that begins insidiously in early childhood. All 20 nails are uniformly affected with excessive longitudinal striations and loss of nail luster. The skin and its ectodermal derivatives are otherwise normal. Twenty-nail dystrophy is believed to be a...
Dystrophic changes in the nails occurring as a congenital defect or due to any illness or injury that may cause a malformed nail. [onycho- + G.dys-,bad, +trophē,nourishment] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 onychodystrophy ...
3.Dyskeratosis congenita (DKC) is a rare inherited disease characterized by the triad of abnormal skin pigmentation, nail dystrophy, and mucosal leukoplakia. 先天性角化不良症(DKC)为一少见之遗传性疾病,三项主要特徵为皮肤色素异常、 指甲生长异常及黏膜白斑症。 声明:以上例句、词性分类均由互联网资源自动...
It has also been associated with other diseases such as , psoriasis, alopecia areata, and atopic dermatitis.Trachonychia is often seen in patients – suggesting that they are more susceptible to this condition.Twentynail dystrophylanguage