In fact, it’s used in just one line here: XML Copy targetRange.Columns[1].AutoFit(); // ((Excel.Range)targetRange.Columns[1, Type.Missing]).AutoFit(); In the C# 3.0 version, targetRange.Columns[1, Type.Missing] returns object, and that’s why the ...
Casting an Int16 varible to Int in C# produces a runtime "Specified cast is not valid" exception casting from object to System.Reflection.PropertyInfo Casting to nullable generics Casting using (decimal) or Convert.ToDecimal ? What to use? Catch an exception from one thread and throw to main...
If your implementation provided a really slow dynamic_cast, you may have to use a workaround. However, all workarounds that cannot be statically resolved involve explicit casting (typically static_cast) and are error-prone. You will basically be crafting your own special-purpose dynamic_cast. S...
In C# 4.0, the compiler won’t complain about that code. The analogous code using System.Object won’t compile and requires some hacks on your own—reflection or adventurous casting—in order to work. var vs. dynamic The keywords var and dynamic are only apparently similar. Var indicates tha...
A pointer to an object of type D can be safely cast to B or C. However, if D is cast to point to an A object, which instance of A would result? This would result in an ambiguous casting error. To get around this problem, you can perform two unambiguous casts. For example:...
Description Please help, I'm trying to figure out the reason, but still no luck. Maybe it is a bug. Our project contains several .so which parts are building in different ways (for example, boost and other 3dp libs with standalone toolch...
If your implementation provided a really slow dynamic_cast, you may have to use a workaround. However, all workarounds that cannot be statically resolved involve explicit casting (typically static_cast) and are error-prone. You will basically be crafting your own special-purpose dynamic_cast. ...
Casting dynamic objects After subscripting a dynamic object, you must cast the value to a simple type. 展开表 ExpressionValueType X parse_json('[100,101,102]') array X[0] parse_json('100') dynamic toint(X[1]) 101 int Y parse_json('{"a1":100, "a b c":"2015-01-01"}') di...
Since object is the base type for all reference types in .NET, static type checking can almost always be circumvented by casting a variable to the object type first and then to the target type. Using this trick, we can modify the code from our first example to make it compile: string ...
Bhering CL, Takahashi JM, Luthi LF, et al: Influence of the casting technique and dynamic loading on screw detorque and misfit of single unit implant-supported prostheses. Acta Odontol Scand 2013;71:404-409C.L. Bhering, J.M. Takahashi, L.F. Luthi, G.E. Henriques, R.L. Consani, ...