Ancient human mobility at the individual level is conventionally studied by the diverse application of suitable techniques (e.g. aDNA, radiogenic strontium isotopes, as well as oxygen and lead isotopes) to either hard and/or soft tissues. However, the li
In parallel, the establishment of links between RBPs and their targets from the perspective of RNA sequences enables understanding of the regulation mechanism. A variety of efforts have been developed to address it in identical cellular conditions, referred to as static protein-RNA interactions; for...
15,16,17. Looking towards the future, living implants containing stem cell-derived pancreatic β-cells represent a potential cure for diabetes. However, the attenuation of oxygen and molecular transport due to the FC barrier still constitutes a major hurdle to successful clinical translation of these...
Introducing artificial pinning centers is a well established strategy to trap quantum vortices and increase the maximal magnetic field and applied electric current that a superconductor can sustain without dissipation. In case of spatially periodic pinning, a clear enhancement of the superconducting critical...
Time is a crucial parameter in the assessment of comorbidities in population-based studies, as it permits to identify more complex disease patterns apart from the pairwise disease associations. So far, it has been, either, completely ignored or only, tak
We selected a gate-to-grave boundary for our energy consumption model. This boundary allows for the use of a single functional unit, which in this study is one barrel of produced oil. Different boundaries are used in carbon lifecycle analysis of CCUS systems, which complicates interpretations ...
(e) Policies/Plan A policy, contingency plan, or strategy specifies the decision rule to be used in all decision epochs. A policy π is a sequence of decision rules, i.e., π = (d1, d2, . . . dN−1) when dt ∈ DtK for t = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1 for N ∞, in...