Update to use mixed elements (tet, hex and pentahedrons). Fixed a bug in running with combined boundary conditions (transient vibration and impedance). Added a flag (RESTRT) to run restart from transient analysis results. LS-DYNA will read an existing binary database to extract the velocity ...
Add option TETFAC to optional Card F on*CONTACT_OPTION to scale the computed volume of tet elements for the mass calculation in SOFT = 2 contact. Better agreement is achieved with TETFAC between 3 and 5 when contact forces are compared between hex and tet meshes. This input field is sup...
Save hex weld creation orientation to the pre-decomposition file so that the subsequent run generates the welds in the same way. Fix for MPP not handling element deletion properly in some cases at decomposition boundaries. Add new pfile option "contact { keep_acnodes }" which does NOT exclude...