Microsoft Windows support advised I reinstall Windows 10 Pro and said that Windows 11 is really only meant for new PC's that come with it preinstalled. MSI website doesn't list my 2020 GT76 Titan dt-039 notebook on their Windows 11 upgrade eligibility list so I guess that's why the ...
I've ripped using the Regular and also AppleTV presets. Both generate a m4v file (about 10gb file)... but it just won't play in OS X... doesn't work with Preview, iTunes, Quicktime, VLC.. nada... Searching the forums, I found a post which suggested renaming the m4v to mp4,...
It therefore doesn't seem that the change from Windows 8.0 the original OS, to the free Microsoft upgrade to Windows 10 had anything to do with this issue, especially since I had previously viewed DVDs on Cyberlink PowerDVD version after I had upgraded to Windows 10. The...
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