《DUFOMap: Efficient Dynamic Awareness Mapping》 2.motivation 从工业应用角度,动态点云的去除一直是建图的刚性需求。目前的方案主要有几种流派: 基于learning的方法,对动态点云做点云分割,通过分割值来判断哪些点云要被删除。该方法缺点是受限于学习样本的规模,分割的泛化性能较差,很多时候分割会遗漏一些动态行人...
参考 [1] DUFOMap: Efficient Dynamic Awareness Mapping [2] Remove, then revert: Static point cloud map con- struction using multiresolution range images [3] ERASOR: egocentric ratio of pseudo occupancy-based dynamic object removal for static 3d point cloud map building [4] OctoMap: An effici...
RA-L'24 DUFOMap, Dynamic Awareness RA-L'23 SLICT, SLAM RA-L'20 UFOMap, Mapping Framework Please cite our works if you find these useful for your research. @article{daniel2024dufomap, author={Duberg, Daniel and Zhang, Qingwen and Jia, MingKai and Jensfelt, Patric}, journal={IEEE Ro...