Museum International (Edition Francaise)E. N. Arinze
Scalar waves PhysicsNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/hlca.19490320744Naves, Y. ‐RGrampoloff, A. ‐VWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta
When presenting optimal stimuli, the median FF was 0.3. High variability, FF approximately 1, was found only near threshold. Our results suggest that in natural vision, suprathreshold perception can be based on small numbers of optimally stimulated cells.Gur, MosheSnodderly, D. MaxParis...
It establishes the civil law of Quebec as the common law in all matters of private law and redefines the study of the law applicable to legal personality exclusively within the system of the civil law.Chris ParkerMatthew R SydesHoward Kynaston...
A sovereignty without condition for the university opposes and constitutes an obstacle for the unconditionality of sovereigntyRocha Alvarez, Delmirobibliogr
Acute main left occlusionPercutaneous coronary interventionCardiogenic shockCirculatory assistanceAimAcute main left coronary artery occlusion is rarely observed during primary angioplasty in myocardial infarction. This retrospective study reports the results of six patients treated by angioplasty in a hospital ...
Augustinus Afer: Saint Augustin, africanite et universalite. Actes du colloque international Alger-Annaba, 1-7 avril 2001 edited by Pierre-Yves Fux, Jean-Michel Roessli and Otto Wermelinger is reviewed.doi:10.1093/jts/fli046JOSEF L&OUML
Guy MorinDaniel CluisDenis CouillardH. Gérald JonesJean-Maurice Gauthiercanadian journal of civil engineering
We report such a case, diagnosed on a 53 years old woman. Both a tumoral and a severe infectious syndrome appeared three months after an intra-uterine device removal. The septic syndrome led to a laparotomic approach. Unusual clinical presentation, delay between device removal and septic ...
The quantitative analysis has shown that (i) practically all the information (90–95%) is provided by the plagiotropic branches (their length, the length of their internodes; dimension and number of their leaves) and by the pollen (dimensions); (ii) the various taxons of the subsection ...