口干(Xerostomia,or dry mouth)是一种很常见的现象,但很多时候口干会让人很不舒服,同时也是某些疾病的征兆,并且会带来一些后果。所以口干也是需要处理的问题之一。 口干的直接原因是缺少足够的唾液。唾液是保持口腔湿润的唯一方法,而且唾液还含有消化酶,提供pH缓冲,维持味蕾的正常活性,还有一定的杀菌效果。此外唾液还有...
Xerostomia or dry mouth is a medical condition that results from improper functioning of the salivary glands. A person having dry mouth usually faces difficulty in speaking and eating food. They are also more prone to mouth infections,bad breathand other mouth problems resulting due to lack of ...
POTPOURRI: Dry mouth or xerostomiaSibal, Meg
The meaning of DRY MOUTH is a condition in which the inside of a person's mouth becomes very dry. How to use dry mouth in a sentence.
What Are The Causes Of Dry Mouth? Hundreds of prescription medications cause dry mouth as a side effect... Certain conditions cause xerostomia as well, such as Sjögren's syndrome, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, HIV/AIDS & other illnesses. ...
When your salivary glands don't make enough saliva or spit, you may get dry mouth (xerostomia). Dry mouth causes include taking certain drugs, pregnancy, certain diseases and conditions, and damage to the salivary glands, among other factors. Treatment depends on the reason for your dry mouth...
Xerostomia is the main oral symptom and clinical sign in Sjgren's syndrome (SS) but there are many other causes of a dry mouth. Salivary gland enlargement is a further feature but may be episodic. Xerostomia is a subjective symptom which can be non-invasively assessed by sialometry but ...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: xerostomia';dry mouth;Zagari's disease xerostomia';dry mouth;Zagari's disease分享到: 口腔干燥症分类: 医学 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: ...
Dry Mouth (Xerostomia) Dry mouth most commonly occurs as a side effect of medications that cause decreased saliva production. Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, is a condition that results from a decreased volume of saliva in the mouth. Xerostomia can make it difficult to speak, eat, and ...
IF YOUR MOUTH OFTEN FEELS DRY OR STICKY, YOU MAY BE SUFFERING FROMDRY MOUTH Dry Mouth (also called xerostomia) is a condition that occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough saliva. It can feel uncomfortable and sometimes be bothersome, but Biotène® ...