**Drop C** * `11-54 + 56` **Fender** Scale 将 low-E 换成 56 甚至 60 感觉非常好.* ...
Machine Head, Lamb of God, and many others. Playing your guitar in Drop B tuning is an excellent way of drastically dropping the overall range of your guitar. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at Drop B tuning and...
**Drop C** * `11-54 + 56` **Fender** Scale 将 low-E 换成 56 甚至 60 感觉非常好.* ...
**Drop C** * `11-54 + 56` **Fender** Scale 将 low-E 换成 56 甚至 60 感觉非常好.* ...
琴弦越粗,能在不调节琴颈的前提下能降的音越低。所以想降更低就粗的琴弦,调更高就更细的 ...
1#C 11或者11.5最多12(比较紧绷)2#G 15或者16 3E 19(偏软)或者20 4B 30或者32 5#F...
1052 dropb就54
同样有效弦长25.5,我用了1052的弦,降到了drop b,除了6弦稍微打一下品,感觉问题不大。甚至尝试...
同问楼主。能推荐一些drop B 的歌和乐队。最好能找到谱的那种。十分感谢!!!