本帖最后由 kangqi 于 2018-3-17 22:01 编辑 分享一个CH340G-USB转TTL刷机线安卓可用的驱动应用。
Standard USB type A male and TTL 5pin connector. 5pins for 3.3V,TXD,RXD,GND & 5V All handshaking and modem interface signals Baud rates: 300 bps to 1.5 Mbps. Byte receive buffer; 640 byte transmit buffer. Hardware or X-On/X-Off handshaking supported. ...
What is CH340? CH340 is a TTL (serial) to USB converter and vice versa. This chip has been used in some boards such as Arduino boards (non-original Arduinos), ESP8266, etc. The boards using the CH340 chip, don’t need a programmer in order to access the
CH340 is a chip used in boards like Arduino boards to convert TTL (serial) to USB and vice versa. Moreover, the boards with this chip need no programming to access the processor. However, your computer may fail to recognize this chip without a correct and compatible CH340 driver. Hence,...
Robotlinking CH340 Micro USB 16Mhz atmega Mini/Type-C/3.0 Nano USB Driver with Bootloader Compatible Nano Controller for Arduino, You can get more details about Robotlinking CH340 Micro USB 16Mhz atmega Mini/Type-C/3.0 Nano USB Driver with Bootloader Com
Specifications: is_customized: Yes For arduino: CH340 Operating Temperature: -40 to +85°C Dissipation Power: Mini USB Compatible Chips: Atmega328P/168P Supported Features: USB download, Power, ISP download Features: **Versatile Integration and Compatibility** The Nano 3.0 controller is a versati...
免费查询更多usb driver芯片详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. These pins are connected to the corresponding pins of the CH340G USB chip. The Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328 (for Arduino Nano 3.x). It has more or less the same functionality...
免驱动实现。ttl转232 应用于安卓系统。 上传者:qq_27600345时间:2019-11-14 CH34xUARTDemo 串口调试助手,安卓版。USB口接一个CH34X模块就可以用串口与手机通信。可以用。 上传者:dusy1986时间:2019-04-10 CH341SER_ANDROID.rar 安卓CH340/CH341的USB转串口安卓免驱应用库,用于Android操作系统3.1及以上版本的USB...
FTDI cable/USB to ttl serial cable Chipset FTDI FT232RL chip ,or OEM with PL2303, CP2102 Function RS232 serial communication cable Connector USB to DB9 pin Cable length 1.8m, or OEM Output RS232 serial COM Feature plug and play High compatible ...