The whole story of Dragon Ball Z in one picture.Dragon Ball Z continues the adventures of Son Goku in his adult life as he and his companions defend ...
This article is about the sagas in the Dragon Ball franchise. For the video game, see Dragon Ball Z: Sagas. This is a list of the sagas in the Dragon Ball series combined into groups of sagas (story arcs) involving a similar plotline and a prime antagoni
Vote up the epic 'Dragon Ball Z' sagas you think stand tall above the rest. Goku and his fellowDBZfighters are some of the most recognizable figures in animated television; their story has influenced just about everyshonen animethat came after it.WhileDBZis unarguably beloved, no...
In 2004, Funimation began to redub the first two sagas of Dragon Ball Z, to remove the problems that were caused by their previous partnership with Saban. They also redubbed the first three movies. However, the show still retained some level of censorship, not out of FCC laws, but ...
• Don’t just fight as Z Fighters. Live like them! Fish, fly, eat, train, and battle your way through the DRAGON BALL Z sagas, making friends and building relationships with a massive cast of DRAGON BALL characters. A NEW POWER AWAKENS SET • Go beyond the history of DRAGON BALL ...
Dragon Ball Z: Sagas 龙珠Z 传奇的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
User Rating: 4.5 | Dragon Ball Z: Sagas PS2 By lotoex | Review Date: August 19, 2007 What can I say, except that this is the DBZ game that had a good idea, but not a good deliverly. It would of been so much better if they would have made it go through all the sagas of DBZ...
Fische, fliege, esse, trainiere und kämpfe dich durch die DRAGON BAAL Z-Sagas. Schließe dabei Freundschaften und baue Beziehungen zu einer Vielzahl an DRAGON BALL-Charakteren auf.Mehr anzeigen Veröffentlicht von Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. Entwickelt von CyberConnect2 Co. Ltd. ...
Fische, fliege, esse, trainiere und kämpfe dich durch die DRAGON BAAL Z-Sagas. Schließe dabei Freundschaften und baue Beziehungen zu einer Vielzahl an DRAGON BALL-Charakteren auf.Mehr anzeigen Veröffentlicht von Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. Entwickelt von CyberConnect2 Co. Ltd. ...
• Don’t just fight as Z Fighters. Live like them! Fish, fly, eat, train, and battle your way through the DRAGON BALL Z sagas, making friends and building relationships with a massive cast of DRAGON BALL characters. A NEW POWER AWAKENS SET ...