Dragon Age: Inquisition is BioWare's third installment in the Dragon Age video game series, following Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II. It was first released on November 18, 2014. A sequel, Dragon Age: The Veilguard, was released on October 31, 2024
Next Here Lies the Abyss or What Pride Had Wrought Appearances Dragon Age: Inquisition Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts is a main quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition.The fate of Empress Celene, and in turn, all of Orlais, has been threatened. The Inquisition must intervene.Contents...
Welcome to the Dragon Age: Inquisition wiki! This wiki is designed to be your one-stop shop for all information on Dragon Age: Inquisition and its modding scene. Much of the content here is created by you, the users. If you want to contribute, log in using your Nexus Mods account and...
Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon Age (tabletop RPG)A ghoul is a living creature who contracts the darkspawn taint and manages to survive. Humanoid creatures develop a blotchy look and a sickly tone to their skin, while the effects on animals are somewhat more drastic. Contents...
Main quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition are essential plot points required to advance the storyline and complete the game. The Wrath of Heaven The Threat Remains Champions of the Just (or) In Hushed Whispers In Your Heart Shall Burn From the Ashes Wicked
Dragon Age: Inquisition. Titanen werden vonKieranerwähnt, sollte er die Seele einesAlten Gotteshaben. Als Antwort auf einen humorvollen Scherz eines zwergischen Inquisitors über den Versuch, größer zu werden, sagt Kieran: "Aber du kannst nicht größer sein. Nicht ohne die Titan...
Dragon Age: Inquisition Games Dragon Age: Inquisition(DE,IE,GOTY,♫)·Multiplayer·Dragon Age: The Last Court Add-ons Jaws of Hakkon·The Black Emporium·Spoils of the Avvar·Spoils of the Qunari·The Descent·Trespasser Books The Art of Dragon Age: Inquisition ...
Dragon Age Wiki Explore Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Recent Blog Posts Dragon Age Series Dragon Age: Origins Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Dragon Age II Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon Age: The Veilguard DLC Dragon Age: Origins (DLC) Dragon Age...
For weapons in other games, see Weapons (Origins), Weapons (Dragon Age II), and Weapons (The Veilguard). Weapons in Dragon Age: Inquisition are the basis for combat in the game. They can either be found in the world, received as a reward for quests and war table operations, or ...
1 Quelltext anzeigen Quests (Inquisition)beinhaltet eine Übersicht aller Quests inDragon Age: Inquisition Inhaltsverzeichnis 1Der Weg des Inquisitors 2Der Innere Kreis 2.1Blackwall 2.2Cassandra 2.3Cole 2.4Cullen 2.5Der Eiserne Bulle 2.6Dorian ...