$ ./bin/Debug/net8.0/SampleHost.exe plugin install SamplePlugin -v 1.0.0 -s http://localhost:8000/v3/index.json ... $ ./bin/Debug/net8.0/SampleHost.exe --helpUsage: SampleHost [command] [options] Options: -?|-h|--helpShowhelpinformation. Commands:echodisplay a line of textheadPrint...
Defines the build configuration. The default for most projects isDebug, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project. --disable-build-servers Forces the command to ignore any persistent build servers. This option provides a consistent way to disable all use of build cachin...
For more information on the dotnet driver, see the .NET Command Line Tools (CLI) topic. To run the application, the dotnet run command resolves the dependencies of the application that are outside of the shared runtime from the NuGet cache. Because it uses cached dependencies, it's not ...
D:\examples\ConsoleApp> .\bin\Debug\net7.0\ConsoleApp.exe Hello, World! 最后,可按如下方式关闭收集器: 控制台 D:\examples\ConsoleApp> dotnet-coverage shutdown 73c34ce5-501c-4369-a4cb-04d31427d1a4 Microsoft (R) Code Coverage Command Line Tool (x64) Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All...
For example if you have anetcoreapp1.0application and you rundotnet run, the output is placed inbin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0. Files are overwritten as needed. Temporary files are placed in theobjdirectory. If the project specifies multiple frameworks, executingdotnet runresults in an error unless the...
Defines the build configuration. The default for most projects isDebug, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project. -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK> Builds and runs the app using the specifiedframework. The framework must be specified in the project file. ...
For example if you have anetcoreapp1.0application and you rundotnet run, the output is placed inbin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0. Files are overwritten as needed. Temporary files are placed in theobjdirectory. If the project specifies multiple frameworks, executingdotnet runresults in an error unless the...
();}Debug.Assert(_isAsciiCasingSameAsInvariant==Tristate.True||_isAsciiCasingSameAsInvariant==Tristate.False);return_isAsciiCasingSameAsInvariant==Tristate.True;}}[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]privatevoidPopulateIsAsciiCasingSameAsInvariant(){bool compareResult=CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(_textInfo...
--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<<UseDebugDirective>b__0>d.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at System.CommandLine.Builder.CommandLineBuilderExtensions.<>c.<<Regist...
dotnet test ~/projects/test1/bin/debug/test1.dll Run the tests in the project in the current directory, and generate a test results file in the trx format: .NET-kommandolinjegrensesnitt Kopier dotnet test --logger trx Run the tests in the project in the current directory, and generate...