互动性(Interactivity) 内容规范化(Formatting Content) iOS 界面中,用户应当不需要通过滑动或缩放,就能直接看到所有的主要内容。 Learn more> 触摸控制(Touch Controls) 通过使用那些可触摸操控的组件,能够令你的 app 使用起来更加简单和自然。 Learn more> 目标热区(Hit Targets) 所创建的可点击组件至少要有 44pt ...
Don’t let text overlap. Improve legibility by increasing line height or letter spacing. Learn more High Resolution Provide high-resolution versions of all image assets. Images that are not@2x and @3xwill appear blurry on the Retina display. ...
Shows denim jeans that are suitable for different body types. Dark Denim Levi's 501 Jeans for long legs; Rider's Carpenter Jeans for plus-sizes; Diesel Dark Fellow-Cut Jeans for the petite; Banana Republic Slim-Fit Classic Jeans for the pear-sh...
»In the following overview, we're using the approach of do’s and don’ts. Please note that some of the don'ts below may work or even produce the same result for certain languages. Thereby, our goal isn't to point out errors but provide better solutions to localizability regardless of...
However, the time of day isn’t the only usability factor to consider. If your application is intended to be used for hours without rest, a dark theme may minimize eye strain. That’s why dark themes are popular in code editors and financial apps. Don’t Use a Dark Theme When Lots of...
——企业风险中性DOs & DON’Ts 完善的汇率风险管理对于企业稳健、可持续发展至关重要。近期,多篇文章围绕企业树立风险中性理念、建立健全汇率风险管理体系开展分析、讨论并提出有益建议,本文对其中企业风险中性的良好实践和非中性的具体表现进行了整理,以供企业客户树立风险中性理念、做好自身风险防范工作参考。
浙江衢州公安成功救援149名幼儿 民警就地取材助瘫痪老人脱险 04:17 纪念抗战胜利75周年:中国人民艰苦卓绝的14年抗战史 00:56 贵州凤冈:洪流里的生命之绳 01:12 武警官兵为群众转移架起“生命通道” 02:11 第71集团军“临汾旅”:官兵昼夜应对滁河漫堤险情 ...
原文10 Angular Dos & Don’ts #1 关注点分离 Angular 架构的美在于分割代码库。 •Components— 可重用的构建块,包含业务部分并创造 UI。 •Directives— 在模板中为 UI 元素添加新行为或修改现有行为的类。 •Pipes— 在模板中使用的函数,将数据作为输入并将其转换为输出。