Bid Price: 77.99028Ask Price: 78.06829Convert Nepalese Rupee To New Zealand DollarUpdated: 01/02/2025 04:52 UTCCurrency: NZD - New Zealand Dollar NPR - Nepalese RupeeConversion Rate: 1 NZD = 78.02927 NPR 1 NPR = 0.01282 NZDCountry: New Zealand Nepal...
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During the past week, the exchange rate of bermudisk dollar til Nepalesiske rupier has fluctuated between a high of 140.651 on 10-02-2025 and a low of 138.807 on 11-02-2025. The largest 24-hour price movement occurred on 10-02-2025, with a 0.547% increase in value....
SymbolLast PriceChange USD:KHR 4,009.50 0.49% US Dollar / Cambodian Riel USD:LKR 294.74 -0.54% US Dollar / Sri Lanka Rupee USD:NPR 138.92 0.42% US Dollar / Nepal Rupee USD:BDT 121.18 0.15% US Dollar / Bangladesh Taka USD:PEN
According to the Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers’ Association (FENEGOSIDA), the price of gold decreased to Rs. 164,500 per tola (11.664 grams) today compared to Rs. 168,500 of Wednesday’s price. The gold price had set a record high price on Thursday last week (October 31...
People hardly even ate noodles in India when Nestlé introduced Maggi in 1983. But the masala spice mix made the taste familiar, and the two-rupee price point made it widely affordable. Marketed to time-pressed mothers—“Mummy, I’m hungry” went the product’s popular jingle—Maggi soared...
(on the USDX). It’snow around 110,but it’s not going to be surviving as the major currency. People don’t trust what is going on in the United States. . . . We have seen this happen to other countries. We saw this happen to the British. They are going to go to another ...
During the past week, the exchange rate of barbadisk dollar till nepalesiska rupier has fluctuated between a high of 68.740 on 09-01-2025 and a low of 68.563 on 07-01-2025. The largest 24-hour price movement occurred on 08-01-2025, with a 0.125% increase in value....