Well even i'm getting the same error in 5.1.30 .. i suggest all of us must first find whether is there anything common between us? like which file did you all download from mysql? i mean the package .. is it a i386 or rhel x86_64? tats just one thing .. think of some other...
I have a win application that performs some long calculation, and since it's single threaded it doesn't refresh the window in the process. I was wondering why show desktop won't work because of that? I mean I know the answer, show desktop sends a minimize commands to all the windows,...
Last night I started my computer and loaded my CentOS 5.2 partition (Windows 7 on the other partition). I was able to login to my account, but was given a gnome error that the panel buttons (i.e. weather, cpu monitor etc) could not be loaded. I then went ...
My external hard drive doesn't show up in finder.Time machine can't find it. Does this mean my external hard drive is dead? I borrowed a friends and switched mine with hers. My acted the same way in her macbook. I switched the cords on the external drives, no change. Also, Is th...
What doesn't kill youmakes a fire Put that thing onlighter Doesn't列顾山硫续阿搞显mean I'm over cause you'r gone What doesn't k命八ill you makes you stronger, stronger Just me, myself an慢油载d I What doesn't kill you makes you str雷植世热艺八阶拿onger ...