Fact or Fiction: When It Comes to Intelligence, Does Brain Size Matter?Kayt Sukel
If the brain cells do not multiply or are amitotic, how does a brain tumor/cancer develop? What's the difference between white brain matter and grey brain matter? Does brain size relate to intelligence? Explain the ways that the brain must interpret the information coming in from your retina...
Smartphones have become an indispensable part of everyday life. Given the current debate about the use of smartphones in classrooms and schools, it seems appropriate to examine their effects on aspects of cognitive performance in more detail. Ward and co
[14]. These direct our attention to motivation and critical thinking as fundamental dimensions of the MAES© methodology, which have an impact on the improvement of emotional intelligence, as the student must perceive, understand, put into practice, and self-regulate to acquire the competences ...
A) How is the plasticity of the brain throughout life evident in recovery from brain damage? B) What are some factors that determine its extent and facilitate recovery? C) What limits are there in recovery from injury in children? In adults?
Imagine a tiny robot that can treat a blood clot deep in your brain that can’t be reached with the catheters we are using today. We may not actually need something as powerful as artificial intelligence (AI) in these cases. We can still build a very useful tiny robot with a low ...
If you want to use a machine learning model to determine if a particular image is showing a car or not, we humans first need to identify the unique features of a car (shape, size, windows, wheels, etc.), then extract the feature and give it to the algorithm as input data. In this...
yet with some distinction between these brain areas as well. For instance, working memory and fluid intelligence are thought to be primarily mediated by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex54as well as generalized changes in white matter55. Speed of processing is thought to be due to generalized chan...
(0.22, 0.84) Moderate Abbreviations: IPWCW models, probability of treatment and censoring weight; MMSE, Mini-Mental-State Examination; RBMT, Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test; TICS, Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status; TMT, Trail-Making- Test; WAIS-R, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revise; ...
Hence, in situations where music is task-related, it can interact with visual content to determine various aspects of gaze allocation. In many real-world situations, however, the music we hear is task irrelevant. Background music while driving or dining in a restaurant are two common examples....