Many credit cards cover car rentals if you pay for the reservation with that card, are the primary driver and decline the car rental company's CDW. The benefit usually only covers the rental car itself — not damages or injuries to other cars or people — and it may exclude exotic vehicl...
The cost of renting a vehicle varies depending on the type of vehicle, the rental company and where you rent the car. But on average, you can spend anywhere from under $50 a day to upwards of $100. Understanding how each factor affects the price will help you to budget for the ...
“Rentals are final and cannot be cancelled, refunded, changed, exchanged or transferred. Your account will be charged for the total price shown, regardless of whether the reservation is used.” Naturally, rental car companies love prepaid bookings. For them, it’s guaranteed money in the bank...
If you want to always drive the latest-model cars, leasing could be less expensive than buying and selling a vehicle every couple of years. Your car will generally be covered by a manufacturer's warranty. You don't need to worry about selling or trading in the vehicle at the end of the...
Should you rent a flex fuel vehicle when traveling? I’veworkedin renewable energy for nearly a decade, but my experience with biofuels is limited. Still, I sort of know the arguments on both sides. So I started doing the math.
Auto Insurance News - Does Auto Insurance Cover Car RentalsJay Leo
you usually have to pay for the rental car using the card and rent the car in your name. Credit cards typically cover physical damage to, or theft of, the rented vehicle. They don’t generally cover damage to other cars or property, or any liability that arises, including injuries to pe...