dockerFile dockerFile : 构建文件,源代码 每个保留关键字(指令)必须是大写 执行顺序从上到下 (#)表示注释 每一个指令都会创建提交一个新的镜像层 FROM 基础镜像,一切从这里开始构建 MAINTAINER 镜像作者 RUN 镜像构建的时候需要运行的命令 ADD 添加内容 WORKDIR 镜像的工作目录 VOLUME 挂载目录 EXPOST 暴露端口配置...
Been using Docker for the past 2 months. I am running Windows 10 Pro build 19045.3031. Everything worked perfectly initially, I changed absolutely zilch for the entire two months after getting my containers running. Yest…
docker desktop data docker desktop data 占用内存,文章目录1.DockerDesktop磁盘空间不足1.1缘由1.2DockerDesktop空间使用情况1.3备份1.4清理1.4.1删掉Docker中没用的镜像1.4.2查看Docker的磁盘使用情况1.4.3dockersystemprune命令1.4.4du-hs命令1.4.5du-h--max-depth=1/v
This is useful if you want to reset your VM disk or to move your Docker environment to a new computer, for example. Important If you use volumes or bind-mounts to store your container data, backing up your containers may not be needed, but make sure to remember the options that were ...
docker-desktop-data 通常是Docker Desktop在Windows或Mac系统上安装时创建的一个特定目录,用于存储Docker Desktop运行时所需的数据,如Docker镜像、容器、卷等。 2. 解释docker-desktop-data的作用和通常存在的情况 docker-desktop-data 目录对于Docker Desktop的运行至关重要。它包含了Docker Desktop运行时所需的全部数据...
Description As title says, when I click exit docker desktop on the moby icon on the system tray or in the GUI bottom left green corner, then the GUI closes down as it should but the wsl2 docker distros are still running and they will not...
I don't know why I would want to have docker-desktop and docker-desktop-data showing up in Explorer: cc @craigloewen-msft Member DHowett commented Nov 1, 2020 Docker implemented their WSL support by using two distros. WSL didn’t make them. Author ghost commented Nov 2, 2020 • edit...
I’ve been using Docker Desktop for a while and after a Windows 11 update this week, I can’t start Docker Desktop and I get the following error: error spotted in wslbootstrap log: “[2024-09-14T15:20:40.286835463Z][wsl-bo…
在本机安装好的docker-desktop的数据默认存储在c盘,在以后的使用中会导致c盘使用空间越来越小,所以需要将数据迁移,同时将默认的存储路径修改 停止docker wi...
mac docker desktop Images on disk 满了 docker desktop data,简介Docker是一个开源的应用容器引擎,基于Go语言并遵从Apache2.0协议开源。Docker从17.03版本之后分为CE(CommunityEdition:社区版)和EE(EnterpriseEdition:企业版),用社区版就可以了。Docker包括三个基