This record is called a Domain Name System record, commonly known as a DNS record. After you set up this record, more types of DNS records store your domain name and all domains or subdomains you connect to. There are DNS records for all your website software services, too. DNS reco...
Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE:" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo " DnsResource.vbs /List MX" Wscript.Echo " Lists all MX records in the MyDomain domain." Exit Sub End If 'Open a text file for output If the file is requested If Not IsEmpty(strOutpu...
1. Log in to the EdgeOne console. Click the target site in the site list to display second-level menus for site management.2. In the left sidebar, click Domain Name Service > DNS Records. 3. On the DNS Record page, click Add record, complete the parameters, and click Save. For a ...
DnsExtractRecordsFromMessage 函数类型从 DNS 消息中提取资源记录(RR),并将这些记录存储在DNS_RECORD结构中。 (DnsExtractRecordsFromMessage_UTF8)
dnscmd [<servername>] /ageallrecords <zonename>[<nodename>] | [/tree]|[/f] 參數展開資料表 參數描述 <servername> 指定系統管理員計畫管理的 DNS 伺服器,以 IP 位址、完整網域名稱 (FQDN) 或主機名稱表示。 如果您省略此參數,系統會使用本機伺服器。 <zonename> 指定區域的 FQDN。 <nodename> ...
When you register a domain or add an existing domain to your account, a zone file (set of DNS records) is created for that domain. The zone file's records all point to us by default. The settings within the zone file only work if your domain's name servers point to us. If the ...
若要設定具有自動建立區域 NS 記錄許可權之 DNS 伺服器的 TCP/IP 位址清單,請使用dnscmd servername /config zonename /AllowNSRecordsAutoCreation IPList命令。 例如: 主控台 Dnscmd NS1 /config /AllowNSRecordsAutoCreation ...
Operation Id: RecordSets_ListByType C# Másolás public virtual Azure.Pageable<Azure.ResourceManager.Dns.DnsTxtRecordResource> GetAll (int? top = default, string recordsetnamesuffix = default, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default); Parameters top Nullable<Int32> The maximum ...
alicloud_dns_records This data source provides a list of DNS Domain Records in an Alibaba Cloud account according to the specified filters. ->NOTE:Available since v1.0.0. Example Usage data"alicloud_dns_records""records_ds"{ domain_name =""is_locked = false...
records- A list of records. Each element contains the following attributes: id- ID of the resource. record_id- ID of the record. domain_name- Name of the domain record belongs to. rr- Host record of the domain. value- Host record value of the domain. ...