我们致力于将D&D Beyond打造成为龙与地下城的最佳电子工具集,并持续改进平台功能,以满足玩家的多样化需求。我们非常高兴能与各位玩家一同踏上这段精彩的旅程。
根据“D&D Beyond”数据显示,人类依旧是最受欢迎种族,精灵、龙裔、提夫林和半身人分别位列第二至第五名。而职业方面战士依旧位列榜首,紧随其后的还有盗贼、狂战士、法师和圣武士,貌似这波职业热度还挺符合大众玩家在《博德之门3》中的选择,不知道看官们是否有被言中 另外还有一些比较有趣的数据统计,包括新创...
Wizards of the Coast is once again giving away freeDnD Beyond diceto celebrate Pride month. These digitalDnD diceare known as the Dice of True Color, and they were created by designer Lee Emig. “This digital dice set was hewn from geodes formed under intense heat and pressure”, Wizards ...
D&D Beyond Importer v2.5.21A fork of the VTTA D&DBeyond Integration module that allows you to automatically import spells, items, and character sheets from D&DBeyond into Foundry. Although it's currently in development and missing some functionality, it is still definitely an extremely useful ...
20. How do I find a group for DND and other TTRPGs? — 5 great tools How do I find a group for DND and other TTRPGs? — 5 great tools (Image credit: Future) There are five tools you can use. D&D Beyond. To find groups or players in D&D Beyond, go to Forums > Looking for...
get into skirmish battle and make their presence felt. Equine Build is very similar to Powerful Build, but it has the additional disadvantage of being terrible at climbing. Due to the abundance of flight and levitation options in Dungeons and Dragons, this won’t be a problem beyond low ...
这一设定集包含4本规则书(以及含有外域地图等PS图片的附录),分别为《异域风景战役设定集——DM的诸位面指南A DM Guide to the Planes》、《异域风景战役设定集——PC的诸位面指南A Players Guide to the Planes》、《异域风景战役设定集——印记城及其周边Sigil and beyond》,以及《异域风景 11124 dnd吧 fa...
Previously Chief Germanist for Green Man Gaming. DnD alignment: Lawful Good. He/Him. Did you miss this... Why is Dungeons and Dragons' new Bard so dull? Warhammer 40k Krorks: the colossal ancestors of the Orks Wizards seeks new MTG exec to take charge of Universes Beyond set storylines...
分享341 dnd吧 BADChipsDubbo 记录下跑团学校意外找到了团跑 团名:tale from beyond the graves 所以在恐怖画风团里玩是否搞错了什么 分享114 dnd吧 华记牛展 D&D 《善与恶》跑团日志 第三幕 暴动一楼献百度 分享54 dnd吧 茜色的回忆º▫ 记得有个挺经典的跑团笑话内容是一只猫变成牧师还是德鲁伊来的,然后...
I've been running games for a while now and have a pretty good grip on adjusting to the various shenanigans that players drop on you. This being said, I have never DM'd a Twilight cleric before. I know that they have a ton of awesome abilities and that I will have to...