使用武器 weapon 攻击时,你将相应的属性调整值(与攻击检定使用相同的调整值)加入造成的伤害中。法术 spell 造成伤害时,其所需伤害骰的类型以及需要加入的调整值,则会在其描述中作说明。 来自Android客户端3楼2020-04-12 00:39 收起回复 兔之启迪者 眼魔 13 攻击检定,属性检定,豁免检定,是三种东西,技能检定...
It’s heavy, and it pairs perfectly with the Great Weapon Fightingfeat 5e. Plus, it’s impossible to roll a 1 with 2d6 – the odds are in your favor when it comes toDnD greatsworddamage. Hand crossbow 5e With excellent range and the light property, the lightcrossbow 5eis a solid optio...
每件武器都被归类为近战或远程武器。近战武器melee weapon可用来攻击身边5尺范围内的目标,而远程武器ranged weapon则可用来攻击特定距离范围内的目标。 武器熟练项Weapon Proficiency 你的种族,职业和专长都能给予你特定武器或特定类别武器的熟练项。武器有简易武器simple和军用武器martial两大类别,大多数人都可能具备简易...
近战武器melee weapon可以用来攻击身边5尺范围内的目标,而远程武器ranged weapon则可以用来攻击特定距离范围的目标。某些对非魔法武器具有免疫或抗性的怪物会易受到银质武器的损害,因此某些谨慎的冒险者会投资额外的钱财以在其武器上进行镀银加工。 ①武器熟练项Weapon Proficiency 你的种族,职业和专长都能给予你特定武器或...
魔法武器Magic Weapon。魔像的武器攻击视为魔法攻击。动作多重攻击Multiattack。魔像发动两次近战攻击。猛击Slam。近战武器攻击:命中+13,触及5尺,单一目标。伤害20(3d8+7)的钝击伤害。剑击Sword。近战武器攻击:命中+13,触及10尺,单一目标。伤害23(3d10+7)的挥砍伤害。毒性吐息Poison Breath(充能6)。魔像呼出一片...
两用武器战斗Versatile Weapon Fighting(私设): 当你持握一把两用武器且并未同时持用其他武器时,你在攻击检定与伤害掷骰上获得+1加值。此外,如果你用双手持用该武器,你的AC获得+1加值。 回气SecondWind 你拥有少量精力储备可用来保护自己免受伤害。你可以在自己回合内用一个附赠动作恢复生命值,其总值为1d10+...
An unusual spell that will only suit some builds,Green-Flame Blade 5eallows you to make a melee attack that deals its usual damage to the target, and then it deals your Cha bonus in damage to a second target. It’s notable because it provides support for more weapon-focused builds. The...
Multiattack: 3 attacks 2 claws+19 to hit, 4d6+10 dmg, 1 tail +19 to hit, 4d8+10 dmg. and then 5 legendary action points with massive damage for each. So Tiamat has 5 points where a bite is 1, and a breath weapon is 2 points. With 5 points she could for a bite and 2 ...
the weapon. The w eapon’s damage die for this attack is a d4, and the attack deals bludgeoning damage.• W hile you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, or quarterstaff, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach.没有提到矛,矛不适用于这个专长...