DMU还有专门为法律专业学生提供的法律图书馆,也是英国少数几家配备着这种专业图书馆的大学。 DMU的Green House和Learning Zone学习区还为学生个人或团体的学习研究提供更多场地。DMU的图书馆以及学习区,其中700多个座位配有电脑。学生还可以租用笔记本电脑,免费使用无线网络,更有配备等离子屏幕、笔记本电脑和DVD设备的校内...
Economic analysis of swine production in Nigeria: a case study of Ibadan zone of Oyo state This study analyzed the economics of swine production in Ibadan Metropolis of Oyo State. Data were collected through interview schedule administered to eig... LT Ogunniyi,OA Omoteso - 《Journal of Human...
The hyperparameters are set as follows: cross-entropy loss function and Adam optimization algorithm were used for 100 iterations of backward propagation, with four images in each batch, and the learning rate was 0.0001. In DMU-Net, RGB images are input in one stream, and NIR + nDSM images ...