Dixon felt sad: he realized for the first time that it was really very unlikely that she would come to the Ball. 狄克逊心里感到怏怏不乐:他第一次意识到,她不太可能有前来参加舞会的念头。 www.jukuu.com 3. In early 1983, I hired Lynda Dixon, who took care of me for a decade and contin...
dixon是什么意思、dixon怎么读 读音:英[ˈdɪksn] 美[ˈdɪksən] dixon 基本解释 n. 狄克逊(姓氏) 词组短语 1、Dixon Mann's sign [医] 迪克逊·曼氏征, 曼氏征 2、Dixon ring [化] 狄克松环; 金属网θ环(填料) 3、Dixon's test method [化] 狄克松检验法 ...
Indiana had a history of bigotry unequaled north of the Mason -Dixonline. 印地安纳州的种族偏见的历史在 梅森——迪克森 线以北是无出其右的. 辞典例句 Dixonsaid, grateful for nicotine and support of Margaret. 狄克逊说着, 对玛格丽特的烟和同情非常感激. ...
DIXON迪克森是迪克森文具(昆山)有限公司旗下品牌,自2013年底由北京迪克森文教用品公司移至昆山后而成立,已是FILA集团旗下的木杆铅笔生产基地。拥有铅笔板,铅笔,彩绘笔三条生产线,铅笔板年产6百万罗,铅笔年产4.5亿支,彩绘笔2100万支 。 品牌产品 经销FILA旗下的品牌有LYRA,DIXON, TICONDEROGA,GIOTTO,...
Search Dixon is committed to delighting our customers by being the easiest company they do business with every day. Headquartered in Chestertown, MD, with distribution centers around the globe, Dixon has grown to become a leading innovator in the hose coupling industry. ...
直肠癌Dixon手术也叫经腹直肠癌切除术,这种手术适用离肛门12cm以上的人,就是在腹腔内切除乙状结肠和直肠大部,然后在腹膜外是乙状结肠和直肠切端吻合。这种手术可以保留正常肛门,术后可以像正常人一样有排便功能,但是这一种手术可能治疗不彻底, 直肠癌手术方式Dixon 李方跃主任医师 安徽医科大学第一附属医院 三甲| ...
Dixon is committed to delighting our customers by being the easiest company they do business with every day. Headquartered in Chestertown, MD, with distribution centers around the globe, Dixon has grown to become a leading innovator in the hose coupling industry. ...
Dixon,狄克逊,欧美人常用姓名,或译为狄克森、迪克逊、迪克森。本词条介绍历史上一些名为Dixon的杰出人物。Dixon, Roland Burrage,1875~1934,美国文化人类学家。狄克逊的一生全部献给哈佛大学。1897年任助教,1915年升教授。曾在哈佛大学皮博迪博物馆筹建一所世界上藏书最全面、最实用的人类学图书馆,把哈佛大学发展...