下载百度汉语App 名师好课免费看 dividend 百科释义 报错 dividend,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“红利;股息;[数] 被除数;奖金”。 查看百科 注:百科释义来自于百度百科,由网友自行编辑。© Baidu 使用百度前必读 百度首页 问题反馈 商务合作 关注微博 ...
However, while a high dividend yield may seem appealing, it’s important to consider the sustainability of that yield. If the yield is high because the share price has dropped significantly, it could signal underlying issues within the company. Therefore, yield should be evaluated alongside other ...
Dividend ['dɪvɪdend] n.分红,红利 当我们购买股票时,我们可以通过两个方式获利,一个是低买高卖;另外一个就是Dividend。它是公司根据每年的盈利状况而定的。每年发分红的公司并不多,格力就是其中的佼佼者,经常给股东发分红。 我们来看2个例句: If those jobs do not ...
dividend ['dɪvɪdend] n.红利;股息;[数] 被除数;奖金。前缀di-是dis-在大部分浊辅音前的变体,意思是apart,词根vid表分开。需要注意的是这类名词拼写中的-nd和-end成分, 实际是拉丁语中动形词的保留,表达了thing to be done的概念,于是dividend就...
However, this equilibrium is reached only if the amounts retained are reinvested at the cost of equity. Example 1: earnings are all paid as dividend Current position: Earnings = $0.8 per share (all paid out as dividend); RE =20%, the price per share. would be P0 = 0.8/0.2 = $4 ...
Derived from the Latin word "dividendum," meaning "a thing to be divided," they represent thedistribution of a portion of a company's earnings to its shareholders. This article aims to explore the significance of dividends, why companies pay them, and how investors benefit from this form of...
On the surface, a stock’s price is just a number. But behind that price may be several shiny nuggets that can help you unearth some useful information: Is the stock trading at a premium or discount (i.e., is it a bargain)? How did the market come up with that price? What are ...
two ways—by paying dividends or buying back shares. An increasing number of blue chips, or well-established companies, are doing both.1Paying dividends and stock buybacks make a potent combination that can significantly boost shareholder returns. But which is better—stock buybacks or dividends...
it predominantly refers to the former, that is, the dividend or bonus paid to shareholders.In summary, dividend primarily denotes the payment made to shareholders as a reward for their investment in a company's stock. It is a crucial concept in the realm of financial investments.