当Disney+于11月12日发布时,你将能够以每月12.99美元的价格订阅捆绑的Disney+、ESPN+和Hulu。 今年早些时候,迪士尼最初宣布推出“迪士尼+”时曾暗示将推出这样一款捆绑游戏,但今天,该公司在发布季度收益报告时正式宣布了这一消息。 有了这个捆绑包,你将获得ESPN+(通常每月4.99美元)、Disney+(每月6.99美元)和Hulu(带...
今年下半年,迪士尼宣布旗下流媒体服务Disney+的含广告版服务月费涨价2美元至9.99美元;无广告版服务同时上涨2美元,至15.99美元。此外,整合了Disney+和Hulu的含广告套餐迪士尼“大礼包”(The Disney Bundle)的订阅价格也将提高10%,至每月10.99美元。这些价格调整计划于今年10月17日正式生效。在涨价的同时,Dis...
ESPN+近期也加入了涨价大军,每月订阅费用上涨1美元至11.99美元。 又讯:迪士尼公司日前发布2024财年第三季度财报,迪士尼季度收入为231.6亿美元,超出预期的230.7亿美元,同比增长4%。流媒体业务(包括Disney+、Hulu和ESPN+)在本季度首次实现盈利(约4700...
You've hadDisney Plusfor several months now -- but did you know you can bundle it with Hulu and ESPN Plus? And if you already subscribe to Hulu or ESPN Plus, don't worry because you can combine those streaming services with Disney Plus to get a discounted price to use...
when the company said the Disney Plus alone would cost $6.99 per month, or well below the $12.99 monthly fee charged by Netflix for its most popular streaming plan. But because Hulu and ESPN Plus cost about $6 and $5 per month, respectively, the bundle of three services represent...
在迪士尼DTC部门负责人Kevin Mayer干货满满的演讲中,暗示迪士尼将会捆绑Disney+、ESPN+和Hulu服务,为消费者提供更具吸引力的价格。(迪士尼通过收购21世纪福克斯的资产完成了对Hulu的控股权) Mayer表示迪士尼在为消费者提供更具吸引力的价格优势基础上,还将提供更多的价值内容。目前Hulu的每月起售价格下调至5.99美元,“非...
With so many bundle plan options that include Disney Plus, you can view a plethora of Disney programming or expand your options to include on-demand content from Hulu, ESPN+, and more than 85 additional live TV channels. How Much Does Disney+ Cost? For $10 a month, the Disney Bundle ...
Disney disclosed Tuesday that it will offer a streaming bundle of Disney Plus, ESPN Plus and the advertising-supported version of Hulu for $12.99 a month. The bundle of Disney direct-to-consumer properties will be available for purchase on Nov.
Disney Plus (ads) + Hulu (ads) + ESPN Plus (ads) | $16.99 per monthSave $13.98 - For the best bundle in terms of outright value, this one comes close. Combining three streaming services into a single package, it provides very respectable bang for buck. To be specific, Disney and Hul...
The Disney Plus, Hulu, and Max streaming bundle jointly assembled by Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery is now available in the US. Prices start from $16.99 per month for an ad-supported tier (as opposed to the monthly $25.97 price to pay for each service’s ad-supported tier separately)...