本文要为大家介绍的,就是一款像极了官方版本的Maps App Discovery。该应用允许用户方便直接从Windows 10桌面上调用谷歌地图,而无需先打开浏览器。 根据Windows Store上贴出的信息,Maps App Discovery借助Google Maps API,为Windows 10提供了近乎原生的地图体验。它的界面相当简洁,且基于Google知名的Material Design设计语...
不过由于种种原因,谷歌并没有在Windows平台推出地图应用,这让很多用户感觉不太方便。不过一款第三方应用改变了这一局面,Maps App Discovery直接调用谷歌地图,可弥补Win10用户的需求。 这款应用使用了Google Maps API,无需浏览器支持,界面和Google Maps非常接近,而且非常简洁,基于谷歌Material Design设计语言制作。该应用...
不过由于种种原因,谷歌并没有在Windows平台推出地图应用,这让很多用户感觉不太方便。不过一款第三方应用改变了这一局面,Maps App Discovery直接调用谷歌地图,可弥补Win10用户的需求。 这款应用使用了Google Maps API,无需浏览器支持,界面和Google Maps非常接近,而且非常简洁,基于谷歌Material Design设计语言制作。该应用...
Windows 10 has a significant problem with app searching and discovery, and it's driven one longtime developer to call for boycotting the Windows Store until Microsoft fixes the problem. ByJoel HruskaJanuary 22, 2016 Share on Facebook (opens in a new window) ...
This collector collects process and network associations on Windows servers. This collector can run only on Windows. The collector uses the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and SMB protocols to communicate with the Windows servers to be collected. The following required ports must be enabled ...
① 桌面程序对Windows和Mac操作系统都支持,但在Mac操作系统中界面显示有点瑕疵,但不影响功能使用 ② 下载代码,Git clone https://github.com/Nepxion/Discovery.git ③ 通过IDE启动 运行discovery-console-desktop\ConsoleLauncher.java启动 ④ 通过脚本启动 在discovery-console-desktop目录下执行mvn clean install,targ...
Windows (cmd.exe) set "REACT_APP_SECRET_CODE=abcdef" && npm start (Note: Quotes around the variable assignment are required to avoid a trailing whitespace.) Windows (Powershell) ($env:REACT_APP_SECRET_CODE = "abcdef") -and (npm start) Linux, macOS (Bash) REACT_APP_SECRET_CODE=abcde...
Supported apps include Windows and macOS apps, which are both listed under the Defender - managed endpoints stream.Review the following information: Use the High-level usage overview to understand overall cloud app use in your organization. Dive one level deeper to understand the top categories ...
Have you tested Maps App Discovery on your Windows 10 PC orWindows 10 Mobileyet? Tell us your thoughts about this new map application and if you have complaints about it, let us know! RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:
The people who brought you the Discovery Channel, have released a newDiscovery News Windows Phone app. TheDiscovery News app is also available to download from the Windows Storeon your PC or tablet. With these apps, you’ll be updated with news articles, videos, photos and more – with a...