Check offer link again to see if eligible for this new round.If you have a Discover card with cash back rewards, you can redeem them to buy eligible items at The redemption rate is $1 in Cash Back Bonus = $1 to spend at Amazon, which is the same rate as their statemen...
现在在 Amazon 添加 Discover 卡作为支付手段,会送 $10 OFF。点进下面的激活链接就可以知道自己是否被 target 了 活动链接(激活后结账时输入 21discover10,可以获取 $10 off) 如果没看到 offer,可以尝试把账户中所有的 discover 卡移除,再点激活链接试试。如果需要移除 discover ...
现在时不时能在 amazon 首页或者其他网站的广告上看到设置 one click payment 为 Discvoer 送 $10 的活动,大家可以留意一下。记得要在 amazon 账号同一个浏览器点击这个广告才有效。 One Click Payment 送 $10 Offer 链接 如果上述链接看不到 offer,可以在 amazon 首页往下...
15.Amazon:Amazon is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon, the logo, the smile logo and all related marks are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. 16.PayPal:PayPal, and the PayPal logo are trademarks of PayPal and its Affiliates....
和以往的活動一樣,該活動只適用於 sold and shipped by Amazon 的商品。 可以買第三方 Gift Card(Amazon Gift Card 依然不行,似乎 Visa Gift Card 也不行),總之在下單前看一下屏幕右側那裡確實觸發了 Amex 15% off 就好。 如果你還沒有在Amazon上關聯MR點數,可以先點擊這個鏈接關聯然後坐等被target:點擊此鏈...
This promotional offer may not be available in the future and is exclusively for new cardmembers. No purchase minimums. Rewards at Amazon is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon, the logo, the smile logo and all...
If you don’t have a Discover IT Card you can get one here with a$75 sign-up bonus. Amazon.compurchases include those made through the checkout, including digital downloads, gift cards,Amazon Fresh orders, Amazon Local Deals and Amazon Prime subscriptions and items sold...
Purchases at PayPal purchases The Discover it® Miles card pays rewards in miles. You can convert the miles to cash at the rate of 100 miles = $1.00 and redeem the cash as described above for cash back cards. You can also apply your miles for a travel purchase credit on ...
digital downloads, Amazon Fresh orders,Amazon Primesubscriptions, items sold by third-party merchants through's marketplace and in-store purchases at Amazon Go and Amazon Fresh. However, purchases made online and in-store with Whole Foods Market are not included in the promotion. ...
Discover 888-676-3695 (后门电话) 申请状态查询 update (2015-07-29) Double Cashback Bonus 最近开卡的同学记得通过online chat或者phone确认一下自己的卡已经加入double cashback promotion The offer ...