But streaming hasn’t been offered as a bonus category since the first quarter of 2023. Here’s what Discover previously offered in 2024: Discover bonus rewards categories for 2024 Q1 (Jan. 1–March 31) Restaurants. Drugstores. Q2 (April 1–June 30) Gas stations/EV charging stations. Home...
Re: Q2 2023 Discover 5% Categories @MachoHombre wrote: I'm not sure I understand what specific stores Discover classifies as Wholesale Category for 2023 5% bonus. This is a differentiator for the Discover Card as the warehouse category doesn't overlap with any of my other cards ...I jus...
Discover第四季度消费门类 从十月到十二月末,使用Discover信用卡在http://Amazon.com、Target购物都能获得5%返现,消费封顶$1500,也就是说最多能拿到1500*5%=75美元返现(如果是第一年开卡,10%返现则是150美元)。在美国如果拿$1500去投资,根本找不到有年化5%的无/低风险理财产品(2023年由于美联储加息可以买到,详情...
Get 5% – 10% on Gas and More! You’ll earn 5% Cashback Bonus on Gas stations and Sam’s Club on up to $1,500 in purchasesand more for 2023Discover will match that for new cardmembers of 10x the cash back! If you are a new cardmember and sign up for the Double Cash Back offe...
TBD (In 2023: Amazon, Target). Categories are typically announced about a month before the quarter starts, which might give you a chance to put off some spending so that it nets you 5% rather than 1%. Of course, some expenses can be delayed until the bonus category period while others ...
欢迎使用牧羊场的邀请链接,开卡以后三个月内完成一笔消费就有$100奖励,算是要求极低的开卡奖励了。首年Discover会Match你所有的Cash back,而且无上限!所以相当于首年双倍返现,首年5%的rotating category的返现就相当于是10%了。 【2023.04 使用Refer链接开卡有100刀】 ...
but the new account generation will be pretty consistent year-over-year. That could change if we pair back credit here in the fourth quarter and into next year. In terms of gas, that was interesting. So gas was up 1% in the quarter. It was also a 5% category. So when you adjust fo...
Discover 信用卡Targeted促銷活動:額外4%返現 up to $80 Back physixfan 2023-05-05 2023-05-05 6 Comments 一部分人這兩天通過email收到了Discover的targeted促銷活動:刷卡可得額外4%返現,up to $80 extra cash back(即$2,000的消費)。應該是可以和季度5%疊加的。Email標題是 “Congrats xxx, enjoy up to...
Our rating database covers over 250 of the most popular credit cards, allowing us to compare the quality of various Discover cards to each other and to cards in the same category from other issuers. We scored each card based on the factors most relevant to its primary category, including it...
Discover it 信用卡簡介 【2022.3 更新】似乎好學生獎勵已經沒了。HT: 美卡論壇 Sharp。 【2021.9 更新】一部分人被target到了之後可以生成出來$100開卡獎勵的refer鏈接,本站的鏈接是$100開卡獎勵的。 特色 $100 開卡獎勵:開卡三個月內任意消費一筆即可得到 $100 statement credit。 每季度有特定類別的5% Cashback...