欣赏企鹅飞越寒冷的水,观赏滑溜溜的鲨鱼在头上方游动,数一数章鱼触手上的吸盘。在 Shedd,可以亲眼目睹、侦察和发掘大自然。准备好迎接令您惊喜、着迷、可激发和触动您的美! 使用CityPASS®门票游览 CityPASS 提供 2 种参观 谢德水族馆 的方式:芝加哥 CityPASS或芝加哥 C3。无论选择哪种,您都能节省费用。 只...
Save time researching.Only the best attractions, like Shedd Aquarium, are included in CityPASS tickets. Rest assured you’re going to see the best Chicago has to offer. Admission to Shedd Aquarium: Chicago CityPASS:All-access admission, including all habitats, Animal Spotlights and exhibits, incl...
Cost $33m. $10M Funded by the Chicago Park District; $20m from fundraising The building was designed by Ralph Johnson who designed the International Terminal at O’hare and the Oceanarium at the Shedd Aquarium. The only museum specializing in the natural history and ecology of the Midwest. 4...