I: Decoding file-resources...S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-xxhdpi/stat_sys_battery_105.pngS: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-xxhdpi/ic_qs_single_hand_disable... 分享4赞 丰顺吧 chen595743669 电脑经常用了一会就蓝屏电脑蓝屏的时候出现这...
Limits RW Everything: Embedded Controller (EC) RAM: Offset E3: 90=230W 91=330W 10=460W (needs testing) This can be used to 1) stop hybrid (NOS) battery drain 2) stop CPU PL1/PL2 throttling when using TDP mod of Pascal Video Card, when system power > "AC (EC) power limit ID....