A user interface system is proposed for the non-computer-professional using a previously developed electronic dictionary system. A model that uniformly represents all the dictionary's information is also proposed. Based on this model, a user interface system is proposed for the electronic dictionary,...
dis service-scheme 端口 dis interface brief dis interface description #查看所有的端口描述 dis interface gigabitethernet 1/0/4 #查看某个端口的具体信息 =dis this interface dis interface down #显示当前物理状态为down的接口的信息以及down的原因 dis counters #查看接口流量统计数 dis counters error #查看错...
// virtualboolDisPdu::IsValid()const{// Skip PDU Version test to allow forward compatibility with future versions// 起初有检查,或许这个被禁用了,从代码可以看出,这个时候已经支持 IEEE_1278_1_2012 也就是 7// if(! DisEnum::Pdu::Version::IsValid(mProtocolVersion) ) return false;if(!DisEnum...
interface Vlan-interface56 //VLANIF56配置IP地址,也是CRT SSH的地址 ip address # local-user admin //创建本地用户admin password simple XXXXXXXX //创建密码,XXXX自行脑补 service-type ssh //服务类型SSH authorization-attribute user-role level-15 //权限最高级 # user-interf...
交换机巡检中的dis命令 交换机巡检中的dis命令
你看看如下命令。如果你是console登录,则user-interface aux进入对应的视图再敲,如果是telnet或者ssh登录...
interface Ethernet0/4/0 以太口 接口 port link-mode bridge interface Ethernet0/4/1 以太口 接口 port link-mode bridge interface Ethernet0/4/2 以太口 接口 port link-mode bridge load xml-configuration 加载网页配置 user-interface con 0 user-interface vty 0 4 控...
user-interface console 0 进入控制台 authentication-mode password set authentication password cipher 密码 配置密文密码 配置远程管理IP地址 interface vlanif 1 进入VLAN ip add 24 配置IP undo shutdown 开启接口 dns domain 域名 设置域名 ...
GSinterface(1) gslp(1) gsnd(1) gsoelim(1) gstrip(1g) gtbl(1) gtf(1) gtroff(1) guards(1) guile-config(1) guile-snarf(1) guile-tools(1) guile(1) gunzip(1) gvcolor(1) gvedit(1) gvgen(1) gvmap(1) gvmap.sh(1) gvpack(1) gvpr(1) gxditview(1) gxl2gv(1) gzcat(...