App 乏味的吉他riffs决斗(Pearl Jam VS Soundgarden VS Nirvana VS Alice in Chains) 990 0 04:07 App 残疾吉他斗士,一曲Thats Why You Go Away,解君愁 503 1 38:22 App 100个榜上有名的吉他RIFFS 145 0 01:00 App 【简单吉他谱】Fortnite Dances - Take The L ...
dirty old town, dirty old town, Am7 C/G C Fmaj7/C they've got all your little problems clearly written down. Am7 C/G C Fmaj7/C but you don't even know, and you can't even see Am7 C/G C Fmaj7/C Oh the butterfly that you're going to be, Am7 C/G C Fmaj7/C Oh the ...
Smelled the spring on the smoky wind Dirty old town Dirty old town I'm going to make me a good sharp axe Shining steel tempered in the fire Will chop you down like an old dead tree Dirty old town Dirty old town
{title:Dirty Old Town} {subtitle:Ewan McColl} I met my [E]love by the gasworks door; Dreamed a [A]dream by the old ca[E]nal. Kissed my [C#m]boy by the factory [E]wall. Dirty old [F#m]town, [B7] dirty old [C#m]town. ...
lonely nights up town A C# don't let them bring us down, no verse 3 how can they be tired of london? the sense in the air on a warm day generation of hope that sees better days but moving slong in the same old ways verse 4 ...