Directive of the minimum training requirements for pharmacists: a lost opportunity to incorporate One Health into the training of future pharmacists?doi:10.1093/ijpp/riae075Domingo-Echaburu SaioaAbajo ZurieOrive GorkaLertxundi UnaxInternational Journal of Pharmacy Practice...
1. Choose your marketing weaponsTo maximize the value of every SaaS B2B marketing channel in your mix, you should avoid spreading yourself too thin early on.Choose around three channels to focus on and create a sense of synergy between them. For instance, you might decide to:...
OpenMP* Fortran Compiler Directive: Causes the compiler or runtime system to process an error condition. This feature is only available for ifx.
TYPE C接口 EN 62680标准解读欧盟法规要求:Directive (EU) 2022/2380要求13类产品自2024年12月28日起统一采用USB Type-C接口,CE-RED认证需提交EN 62680-1-3:2021及EN 62680-1-2:2021检测报告。产品类型包括手机,平板电脑,数码相机,头戴式耳机,带麦克风的头戴式耳机,手持游戏机 ,便携式音箱,电子阅读器,键盘...
OpenMP* Fortran Compiler Directive: Provides hints to the optimizer about the current compilation unit and all the code it can reach through procedure calls. This feature is only available for ifx.
doi:10.25078/yb.v7i1.3005Elpiani, Ni Kadek LindaSuastini, Ni WayanYavana Bhasha Journal of English Language Education
doi:10.2478/kbo-2024-0007EUterrorismsecurityhuman rightsmoney launderingThis paper analyses the directives of the European Union on the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism (AMLD) as one of the key measures of the European Union in the fight against international terrorism after...
doi:10.21552/core/2024/1/9PORTUGALTHIRD party litigation fundingCONSUMER protectionPortugal has transposed EU Directive (EU) 2020/1828 into its legal system through the publication of Decree-law No. 114-A/2023. The Directive aims to protect consumer rights through represen...
In addition, the frequency of using function鈥恈ued memories for the other functions was measured. Results showed that predictive and directive function ratings of the predictive function cued events were significantly different. However, directive events served the predictive function as frequently as ...
(i.e. participles that have passive and/or perfect(ive) interpretations), the present paper establishes a typology of 'root participles' in Germanic and contrasts the properties of four main types: (1) directive (RPdir), (2) expressive (RPexp), (3) commissive (RPcom), (4) ...