openreview: webpage: Contributions 将Diffusion Policy的输入变为了深度图,在特征提取中融入空间信息 Methodology 只使用单个深度相机作为policy输入(含有空间信息,还可以防止对颜色过拟合),对深度图依次进行如下处理 借助相机内外参,把深度图转为3D点云 保留指定box范围内的点,去掉地板...
③ Efficient scaling with demonstrations: 如下图所示,随着训练demonstration的增多,DP3能够实现性能的稳定提升,而DiffusionPolicy有些情况下甚至会出现性能下降 ④ Competitive inference speed: 如图1所示,DP3的推理速度与DiffusionPolicy差不多,相较于之前的使用3D的方法都会使用较多的时间成本,DP3显得非常出众 本文进一步...
To tackle this challenging problem, we present 3D Diffusion Policy (DP3), a novel visual imitation learning approach that incorporates the power of 3D visual representations into diffusion policies, a class of conditional action generative models. The core design of DP3 is the utilization of a ...
() return image expert_data_path = '/home/zhanggu/3D-Diffusion-Policy/3D-Diffusion-Policy/data/realdex_roll' save_data_path = '/home/zhanggu/3D-Diffusion-Policy/3D-Diffusion-Policy/data/realdex_roll.zarr' demo_dirs = [os.path.join(expert_data_path, d, 'data.pkl') for d in os....
Put the data under 3D-Diffusion-Policy/data/ folder, e.g. 3D-Diffusion-Policy/data/realdex_drill.zarr, please keep the path the same as 'zarr_path' in the task's yaml file. Train the policy. For example: bash scripts/ dp3 realdex_drill 0112 0 0 🔍 Visualizer We ...
李飞飞的Voxposer、谷歌的RT1和RT2、谷歌的RTX、字节跳动的Robot Flamingo、斯坦福的ACT和卡耐基梅隆的3D...
具体的LLM prompt看原论文。将单任务的diffusion policy行为克隆方法拓展成以文本指令为条件的多任务策略,...
We unify these two lines of work and present 3D Diffuser Actor, a neural policy equipped with a novel 3D denoising transformer that fuses information from the 3D visual scene, a language instruction and proprioception to predict the noise in noised 3D robot pose trajectories. 3D Diffuser Actor ...
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这些实验表明DiffusionPolicy也许能够合成一些新的动作 然后,本文在Mug Flipping Task下完成实验,用于处理3D旋转。如下图所示,DiffusionPolicy能够取得很好的性能 最后,本文在sauce pouring and spreading环境下完成实验,实验仍然展现出了DiffusionPolicy的SOTA性能