Difference between dp and sp units mentioned as "user's font size preference" by the answers copied from official documentation can be seen at run time by changing Settings->Accessibility->Large Text option. Large Text option forces text to become 1.3 times bigger. private static final float LA...
Association between neopterin in cord blood, urinary neopterin in early childhood and the development of atopic dermatitis, asthma and hay fever It is generally accepted that the increased prevalence of atopic disease is due to a disturbed balance of T-helper (Th)1/Th2-type immunity. Upon stimul...
I. Communication between males. Anim Behav 40:209–222 Article Google Scholar Ikeda H (1984) Raccoon dog scent marking by scats and its significance in social behaviour. J Ethol 2:77–84 Article Google Scholar Jannett Jr FJ (1986) Morphometric patterns among microtine rodents. I. Sexual ...
Erythrocyte nuclear breadth and area were found to be less in the male than in the female of 1dold chicks. The nuclear length and area of erythrocyte as a whole did not vary between sexes. The percentage of erythrocytes with narrow nuclei was higher in the male than in the female. Blood...
The difference between DDU and DDP terms of delivery can be explained as below: DDU means Delivered Duty Unpaid. DDP means Delivered Duty Paid.In a DDU shipment, except duty or taxes of importing country, all other charges has to be paid by the seller of goods. In other words, the ...
1. What is DisplayPort (DP)? 2. Difference between DP and DP++ ports 3. Can I use a passive cable with a DP++ port? When it comes to connecting your laptop to a monitor or HDTV, understanding DisplayPort technology and the difference between DP and DP++...
1.2). The first difference is the difference in the mean of the outcome variable between the two periods for each of the groups. In the hypothetical example, the first difference simply corresponds to the change in average test scores for each group between the beginning and the end of the ...
AP Keaveny,GD Offner,E Bootle,DP Nunes 摘要: The prevalence of clinical celiac disease has been shown to vary both across time and between genetically similar populations. Differences in wheat antigenicity and transglutaminase substrate properties are a possible explanation for these differences. This ...
(i.e., associations between prenatal exposure and general, verbal, and nonverbal intelligence, as well as associations between postnatal lead exposure and general intelligence in males and females) based on four considerations: quality of body of evidence; direction of effect; confidence in effect;...
narcoleptic patients and sequenced their 1 domain in order to study the sequence polymorphisms that might exist in the DQ genes of patients, but no difference in sequence could be found between narcoleptic and healthy individuals, suggesting that narcolepsy is not due to mutation in the DQ gene....