Cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) (Invitrogen, USA) supplement with 15% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) (Invitrogen, ES-Q), 1.5 g/L sodium bicarbonate (Sigma Mo. USA), 1% A.A (Invitrogen), 0.1 mM β-mercaptoethanol (Invitrogen), 1× MEM/NEAA (Invitrogen), LIF...
The membrane resistivity coefficients could then be obtained from(11)rqqmem=1λwT2dmem(12)rwwmem=1TDwdmem The membrane resistance to heat transfer is given by the thermal conductivity of water vapor in the membrane pore, λw and the membrane thickness, dmem. The resistance to mass transfer is...
Despite this structural infor- mation, the molecular basis of the functional difference between the human C1 and C2 complexes is still unclear. In this study, we obtained 3D reconstructions of the human C1 and C2 complexes using single-particle cryo- EM at ~9 Å resolution. These allowed us...
),DMEM (L) 培养液 ~ -MEM 培养液 (Gibico), 胎牛血清 ( yc one),B- 甘油磷酸钠 ~ 地塞 米松 ~ 吲哚米沙星 ~ 异丁基甲基黄嘌呤 (Sigma), 抗 坏血酸 ( 分析纯 , 重庆东方试剂厂 ), 胰岛素注射液 ( 万邦制药 , 徐州 ),C 2 孵箱 ( eraeu ), 倒置相差显 微镜 ( ympu )0 . 实验方...
What is the difference between PDCA and PDSA? PDCA vs PDSA Summary – PDCA vs PDSA The difference between PDCA and PDSA is a minimal one; they both consist of the same 3 stages of Plan, Do and Act, but PDCA consist of the Check stage and PDSA consist of the Study stage. Thus, the...
The 1H-NMR showed polysaccharide peaks between δ 3.50–4.20 ppm and XRD diagrams indicated their amorphous nature. Future works will focus on the quantitative analysis, biological activity and possible use of TSP as a drug delivery system. Keywords: tamarind seed polysaccharide (TSP); Tamarind ...
In Section 4, by the simulation experiments, comparison between the DTC and the proposed FADFC strategy illustrates that the steady-state performance can be obviously improved by utilizing the proposed strategy. Finally, Section 5 is the conclusion. 2. Brushless Doubly Fed Machine (BDFM) Model ...