Btree Btree是一种多路自平衡搜索树,它类似普通的二叉树,但是Btree允许每个节点有更多的子节点。Btree示意图如下: 由上图可知 Btree 的一些特点: 所有键值分布在整个树中 任何关键字出现且只出现在一个节点中 搜索有可能在非叶子节点结束 在关键字全集内做一次查找,性能逼近二分查找算法 B+tree B+树是B树的变体...
Let 'b' be the order of the B+ tree.Non-Leaf nodeLet 'm' represents the number of children of a node, then the relation between the order of the tree and the number of children can be represented as:Let k represents the search key values. The relation between the order of the ... BTree BTree (in fact B*Tree) is an efficient ordered key-value map. Meaning: given the key, a BTree index can quickly find a record, a BTree can be scanned in order. it's...
BTree (in fact B*Tree) is an efficient ordered key-value map. Meaning: given the key, a BTree index can quickly find a record, a BTree can be scanned in order. it's also easy to fetch all the keys (and records) within a range. e.g."all events between 9am and 5pm", "last n...
defmissing_entries_for_index(self, catalog, index_name):""" Return thedifferencebetween catalog and index ids """index = catalog._catalog.getIndex(index_name) referenced = IISet(index.referencedObjects())return(difference(IISet(catalog._catalog.paths), referenced), ...