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Kaffeesatz, Zitronensaft, Kartoffeln und Co.: Oma weiß, wie man Haut und Nägel mit einfacher Hausmitteln verschönert.
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While still under construction, the Observatory is already accumulating data. Here we present an overview of the physics results this detector has already provided.R. EngelM. RothNachrichten
The effect of soil, land use and management on discharge and nitrate leaching are discussed.doi:10.1080/03650340410001663837SchumannArchives of Agronomy & Soil Science
Die Entstehung einer Ho。henzyklone u。ber Nordamerika. Kleinschmidt E. Tellus . 1955Die Entstehung einer Höhenzyklone über Nordamerika , Tellus , 7 , 96 – 110Kleinschmidt, E. : Die Entstehung einer Höhenzyklone über Nordamerika. Tellus 7 , 96–111 (1955)....
emotional burdenpsychiatric disorderA good knowledge of the manifold burdens of relatives due to the psychiatric illness of their family member is an integrant of any effective psychiatric and psychotherapeutic cooperation with relatives. Beside of temporal and financial restrictions relatives are especially ...
GERMANY (East)GERMANYDEMOGRAPHIC changeFEDERAL governmentSTATE governmentsLOCAL governmentPUBLIC spendingPOPULATIONWe examine the impact of demographic change on the level and the structure of federal, state and local government expenditures in Germany up to the year 2020 by using estimates of the age ...
NA;Physiological Acoustics and its Application to the Pathology of the Organ of Hearing.By Prof. Adam Politzer, of Vienna.NA;The American Journal of the Medical Sciences