OxidationenUrinary tract infections (UTI) are a common presentation in a medical assessment unit, and we wanted to check compliance with hospital guidelines for antibiotic prescribing in patients presenting to hospital with urinary tract infection. The guidelines are based on local organisms and ...
doi:10.1002/nadc.19610091506No abstract is available for this article.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Nachrichten aus der Chemie
Michael WirthInstitut für Pharmazeutische Technologie der UniversitäFranz Gabort WienFritz Pittnere 14Thomas SchalkhammerScientia pharmaceutica
Die ausgewählten numerischen Werte werden verglichen mit den in der Literatur verfügbaren Daten. Der Kugelradius kann für die Sekundärneutronenzahl berechnet werden und für die sphärische Albedo.R. G. TuereciKerntechnik
Apart from perfusion failure, ischemia-reperfusion further promotes a microcirculation-associated inflammatory response (reflow-paradox), involving the release of aggressive mediators, such as oxygen radicals, tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-1, the upregulation of leukocytic and endothelial ...
Copyright © 1957 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Issue Nachrichten aus Chemie und Technik Volume 5, Issue 24, page 366, 1. Dezember 1957Additional Information How to Cite (1957), Die Tarifgehälter. Nachr. Chem. Tech., 5: 366. doi: 10.1002/nadc.19570052413 Publication ...
Tammann GBoehme WJournal of Practical Medical Techniques
Belastungsbedingte Hämokon-zentratibns- oder infusionsbedingte Hämodilutionseffekte wurden durch Bestimmung der Gesamteiweißkonzentration in jeder Blutprobe korrigiert.P. Plateneds.ufl.eduC. VeldeC. DobbersteinU. HepsH.A. KeizerDeutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin...
This study emphasizes the importance of HO-1 as stress protein due to the acute-phase response shown above.F. PassekA.M. NiessS. VeihelmannH.-H. DickhuthH. NorthoffE. FehrenbachDeutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedisin
OvariectomyTestosteroneProlactin AnalysisEstradiol BenzoateMenstrual CycleAdministration and DosageSide EffectsThe location development sex hormone and estrous cycle controls of rat prolactin (PRL) release were explored. Female rats released more PRL after receiving the dopaminergic blocking drug pimozide .63 mg...