Social scientists have variously integrated the concept of development as an analytical tool, with differing foci and applications, despite a broader and persistent tendency to relate the idea chiefy to economic growth and eschew social progress. This paper critically addresses the theoretical implications...
Apart from perfusion failure, ischemia-reperfusion further promotes a microcirculation-associated inflammatory response (reflow-paradox), involving the release of aggressive mediators, such as oxygen radicals, tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-1, the upregulation of leukocytic and endothelial ...
Die Bedeutung der alkalimetallorganischen Verbindungen fur die Synthese. Angewandte Chemie, v. 49, n. 30, p. 499-502, 1936. ISSN 1521-3757. Disponivel em: < >.Ziegler,K.Die Bedeutung der alkalimetallorganischen Verbindungen fur die Synthese. ...
From the above we are led to conclude that PCDV (pericardial devascularization) is a rational procedure and is recommendable for patients with liver cirrhosis and varices hemorrhage, especially for poor risk patients.doi:10.1007/BF02858845Mei Minghui...
To the so far primarily patient-oriented information by the professionals to the relatives (how can the relatives help to forward and ensure a successful treatment of the ill family member) the relative-oriented perspective has to be added (how can the relatives be emotionally disburdened in ...
Dr.-Ing. KARL STEPHAN, University of Stuttgart, examined the significance of the assessment of the consequences of technology for the professional activities of the engineer. In this issue we publish extracts from his lecture.doi:10.1002/cite.330690103Stephan, Karl...
During the reaction a partialy spliting of the undesirable acetylgroups occurs. A less contaminated pectin with starch can by yielded when the hydrolyses is carried out under gentle conditions, normal pressure, pH 3,0 and temp. max. 60 °C through 10 h.O. Abousteit...
Root development of sugar beet plants in a sandy loess soil (Haplic Phaeozem) was observed from the early seedling stage up to harvest by measuring at first the greatest vertical and lateral extension of the root systems of single plants and later the rooting density of the whole plant stands...